Holy crap I figured something out, but now I need help improving upon it (daily deed)

So I was screwing around with my options and inadvertently learned how to make custom daily deed buttons. My issue is I made one to "drink 1 roll in the hay" but I want to be able to use it more than once. How do I adjust how many times I'm able to click the button like with the "free rest" button?


Build an alias like:

rith => ashq drink(1,$item[roll in the hay]); int blah = get_property("_RITHdrank").to_int();  set_property("_RITHdrank", blah + 1);

then make a command deed that executes your alias with _RITHdrank as the property that it looks at, and maxUses the appropriate number. The above is completely untested.

For something like this you're probably better off writing a script that does your consuming for you, then executing that through a DD button, but whatever you wanna do.


Is it so surprising that you can use ASH to do more than one thing at a time? I don't know what to say really. Yes, you can write a script that does two, or maybe even three things.


Staff member
That's pushing it.

I once wrote a script which did an infinite number of things, but I never actually ran it, since I didn't have time to wait for it to finish.
Ha ha guys :D I meant a daily deed button that did more than one thing ;) Just trying to see what I would need to type into the custom DD field to have it drink a Blackfly Chardonnay and a roll in the hay.

Would I do "drink 1 roll in the hay and 1 Blackfly Chardonnay" or "drink 1 roll in the hay & 1 Blackfly Chardonnay" or with a comma, or a backslash...
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You can have a dd button execute a script or an alias. The alias approach is above, the script approach is literally just putting the name of your script into the command line. So apply whatever knowledge you have about those things and there you go.

I once wrote a script which did an infinite number of things, but I never actually ran it, since I didn't have time to wait for it to finish.

That is clearly too many things. I would recommend sticking to a three thing limit, as proscribed in ANSI T277.3 (2013): Standards for Things and Thing Derivatives.
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The only thing I can "script" is the make a DD button. I've been using mafia for about a year now and even though I read the forums and the mafia wiki I still can't figure out how to do a lot of stuff. Making a custom combat script within the mafia pane was a huge win for me. Just learning that made me feel like I had done something great. Just a few weeks ago I learned how to type eat or drink and whatever into the GCLI and make that work. I have a little time this week though so I'm going to try to get this harvest script to work. One question on it though, I have 3 harvest scripts. One is a combat, one is a relay, and the other just says harvest. No idea what I'm supposed to do to get the dropdown in the KOL web pagewhere Bales OCD and the BCC asc. menus are.


Active member
That's pushing it.

I once wrote a script which did an infinite number of things, but I never actually ran it, since I didn't have time to wait for it to finish.

Clearly, you are not Linux (<- link inside). Unless you didn't even have the 5 seconds?