Feature Holiday Monster Counter


Staff member
I'm going to go out on a limb and report what was told to me by a clannie. Usually when I do that I botch the explanation and waste time, but maybe this time I'll get it right.

I don't know the version but it was downloaded 4/4 because he did not like mafia thinking his Boriscore character had fullness 45 and he did not know about the holiday none command. He plays in Compact Mode in the relay browser. He noticed he had a Holiday Monster counter and was pleased and wanted to thank the person who implemented it. He then noticed that the parenthesis used as a symbol was the same as the parenthesis on the semi-rare counter and he could not tell the two windows apart. He wondered if a different symbol/icon could be used and suggested square, angle or curly brackets as possible substitutes.

If we did correctly ascribe this behavior to mafia then this is a Feature Request for mafia to use different icons or symbols.

If we ended up using a native KoL feature unknowingly then this is a request for information and help - is there a way, in mafia or kol or with a relay override to have different window symbols?

This is a mafia feature. What KoL-provided image(s) might be better? I used to care about that until I switched to full charpane to use CHIT.
This is a mafia feature. What KoL-provided image(s) might be better? I used to care about that until I switched to full charpane to use CHIT.

Glad to know I got something right... I'll look at images - I presume anything that mafia has cached in the images directory is fair game? - but if nothing is suitable can mafia provide an override like, if my understanding is correct, in the Mine or on the Island after quests are complete?

How does CHIT work when you have multiple buffs and effects? He uses compact mode because the alternative is not suitable for him when he has 30 or 40 running. I might suggest it to him. Thanks.
I think also the bee counters and the romantic wanding monster counters also use parentheses?
Bees could use the bee tattoo image. Romantic wandering monsters could use a candy heart or pixellated candy heart image. FoB could use the image of one of the drops (the stuffing, say, or the tofurkey leg). El Dia could use one of the images for the corpse drinks, or the marzipan skull image.
The problem is that those images are less intuitively indicative of a beginning or end to a range.

It's worth noting that if someone wants to make special brackets for them they can be included in KoLmafia images. There is precedent for that for the mines, barrels, IsleWar and chess.
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Yeah, I suppose so, but they are also very indicative of what specific event they are indicating. I used those images myself before mafia started doing the counters for me. I'm fine with the parentheses, personally. Maybe there could be settings for each wandering monster counter type that default to parentheses, but users could set them to other things through the CLI if they wanted to? Then you could do whichever one suits your fancies.
Maybe if I get bored this weekend I'll go through and combine appropriate images for such use (ie overlap a "bee" image with each of opening and closing parentheses, cookie, etc.).

Which brings up a point; anyone have a definitive list of such things?
Got a list? Heh! Save this as relay_items and put it in your relay directory.

string [string] images;
foreach i in $items[] {
	if(images[i.image] == "")
		images[i.image] = to_string(i);
	else images[i.image] = images[i.image] + ", "+to_string(i);

if(images contains "") {
	writeln("<p>Missing image information for: "+images[""]+"</p>");
	remove images[""];

foreach i,t in images {
	write('<div title = "'+ t +'" style="float:left">');
	write('<img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/' + i + '" height=30 width=30></div>');

What other image collections can we use? I'm sure we can add on to this script to display them also.
Parentheses are the image we use for all the "window begin/end" counters, I think.

Knowing what I know now, a succinct way to rephrase the FR would be "to change the window counter images so that they can be distinguished (and then identified) in Compact Mode", perhaps?
They should also have tooltip text.

Is that a statement of fact or a suggested means to achieve the disambiguation? If the latter it won't be especially helpful for the clannie who made the suggestion. He drives with the keyboard a whole lot, even when using a browser.
I'm just saying currently there is a way to tell, even if it's not sufficient for the needs of this request. I'm perfectly fine with changing the images.