Bug - Fixed Highlighting locally mangles links in chat

It seems posting (and possibly receiving) a link in Mafia chat which contains a pattern one highlights causes such a link to get malformed, in both the chat window and the log. For example, posting the link


with the highlight pattern "pod" enabled results in the following:

<a target=_blank href="http://apod.nasa.gov/a<font color="#60a949">pod</font>/ap110315.html"><font color="blue">[link]</font></a> http:// a<font color="#60a949">pod</font>.nasa.gov/a<font color="#60a949">pod</font>/ ap110315.html<br>

This only happens locally - other chatters see links as they should be.

Seen in a number of different versions of Mafia in the last few months, up to and including the current trunk.
And your bug report is still open... coincidence?

Pineapple sometimes annoys me also, but seriously? He waited 18 months to bump the thread. People often bump threads after much less time than that because they feel that an item at the bottom of the stack is forgotten. No reason to jump down his throat over the matter. Especially since his bump had already gotten someone to respond to him in a constructive manner, thereby proving it was worthwhile bumping. I look forward to Pineapple's response to Grotfang.
As I said, he can be a bit annoying sometimes. Despite that he means well.

Welcome to Parenthood, Noob
I just noticed your signature. Congratulations on beginning that very special ascension. It is a difficult challenge path, but the huge karma bonus makes it all worthwhile.