Bug - Not A Bug High memory for relay


Google chrome reports a high memory usage for the relay tab, quickly rising over time from 400 MB in 15mins to 700 MB in about 20 and over 1 GB if it is open for 30+ mins or so, with plenty of lag. I need to end the process and refresh the tab and it drops back down to 25 MB. Chat is open in relay. Didn't happen before, anyone else get anything like this?
happening for the last few builds, now on r8426
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I've never used Chrome, but apparently each tab opened within chrome is handled as a separate process. I am guessing that the relay browser tab initiated by mafia is running away with memory usage. I suppose for comparison sake that Yueli should try running vanilla KoL to see if that exhibits the same behaviors, before assuming it's some fault of mafia's. I do believe I have read that KoL doesn't like Chrome very much though, so I would keep that in mind. Also, there may be some Chrome tweaks that he could try to ease the memory usage. Maybe something in this site or something similar might be helpful to him.
I am fairly certain this problem exists in vanilla KoL too. Tard did some measurements (on FF) when a similar bug (huge slowdown) was reported against his Framework, and the biggest culprits were, iirc, CAB and chat - but not by much; even without that (and any GM scripts), KoL tabs just eat memory after while ...
Yup. I am more than "fairly" certain that there is nothing whatsoever that KoLmafia can do to increase or decrease the amount of memory your browser chooses to use when sending requests and getting replies, and therefore I am completely certain that there is nothing whatsoever that we are going to do to try to deal with this "bug" report.
I titled this as a bug although I was mainly trying to ask if anyone else gets anything like this. I've been using mafia and its relay for a long time and its never consumed anywhere near that much memory and since macros are the only thing added to kol lately I didnt see what was going on. Unless its a fault of chrome's, using 1.5 GB of RAM for a single kol tab with a quiet chat was just weird, though I have 12 GB of RAM so its ok... anyway appreciate it though Veracity