cjswimmer said:I personally do not feel that this is multi abuse at all if the resulting hi meins are being distributed between the contributing parties and I would be happy to help with this script outside of this forum.
Well, I locked the thread (in case it wasn't obvious from the previous replies). The reasoning I used was basically decomposing the script into its component pieces and predict the likely direction of any further "debate" on the matter. I approached it from a cost-benefit perspective, with the assumption that, because they're friends, they want to be completely fair to one another.
Seal Clubber
- hot nuggets: 900 meat
- delectable catalyst: 1000 meat
- scrumptious reagent: 2400 meat
- MSG: 1000 meat
- dry noodles: 3000 meat
End Product
- hot hi mein: 9800 meat => 1500 profit
- 5 hot hi mein: 49000 meat => 7500 profit total
- 10% of 7500 => 750 meat per day
So we have a situation where one player (the seal clubber) is clearly getting a disproportionate share relative to the other two. If you divide it more fairly (sauceror and pastamancer get two, seal clubber gets one), it's still biased in favor of the seal clubber -- seal clubber gets one hi mein for 1800 meat and the pastamancer and sauceror get two hi mein for 7000 meat. In more simple terms, the person doing the least amount of work gets the most benefit.
So how to remedy the problem? One person sells it all and splits the profit between the friends, which yields a comfortable 2150 meat profit over just selling your items directly. But, there's one catch: the script that does this runs from a single computer. I don't know about you, but if you're trying to be fair, every part of the resulting transaction looks like multi abuse until the moment the seal clubber and sauceror receive their share. Which is to say, 95% of this will look like multi-abuse from any log analyzers that are being tossed at you.
The script requestor -- GheTToTrucker (#633667) -- is a level 9 disco bandit with a 20 pound leprechaun sitting in their terrarium. If there was truly any concern for 750 meat profit per day for very little effort, all it would take is to write a script to bring that familiar out of the terrarium and visit the laboratory for 3 adventures. Therefore, I will accept that the only motivation behind this script is, "I want to help out my friends!" Unfortunately, chances are this script will get all your friends disabled for multi-abuse, and that's not exactly helping them. The only real reason to use it outside of this context is also for multi-abuse reasons, so I see no reason to continue its development.