Help Request - User Interface Script Examples


New member
Hi all,

I'm quite new to programming, but I'm having fun trying to write scripts to aid me in various aspects of ascension. Right now I'm trying to figure out how to create pre-adventure warning pages that accept player input in the relay browser; the 100% familiar run warning, the semi-rare warning, and the Mer-kin Colosseum weapon check are all examples of the sort of thing I want to replicate. I've read through the KoLmafia wiki page on Relay Override Scripting, but I'm not nearly far enough along in my programming abilities to be able to create these pages from scratch; my plan is instead to find an example of this sort of thing and then tinker with it. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble finding the code for any of these scripts; I guess all the warning pages I've encountered are internally coded in KoLmafia, and I haven't been able to find a user-created script that does a similar thing.

Can anyone point in the direction of a script like this that I could use as a model, or failing that advise me as to how to look through KoLmafia's internal coding?

Apparently, the page you want to override is adventure.php. So the script will be adventure.ash

You'll want to import htmlform since it provides the subroutines you need for form input. There is a lot of documentation on htmlform on the wiki HERE.
Thanks Bale, I'll take a look at the documentation.

More generally, thanks for everything you do with KoLmafia! I just checked: I have 12 of your scripts currently installed :-)