Help logging in


New member
I have 3 accounts I use to log in. Two log in fine, but the third isn't logging it, at all or properly. It just does the "contacting server" "logging in", then comes up saying "request complete". It won't open the adventure pane, sometimes I can open the relay browser or item menu etc, but the other screens won't show my items etc, and I had to keep refreshing and clicking things to get the relay browser to show my actual level etc. I don't know if I've clicked/unclicked something but can anyone help?? I've a couple of debug logs if that'll help?
I'd start by removing the preferences for that character. You'll find them in your KoLmafia /settings folder. First close KoLmafia, then delete everything in that folder which has the troubled character's name so you can try logging in with your default settings.

Important: If your character has settings you might want to save, like demon names, then you can try moving them to another location (outside of the KoLmafia folder), instead of deleting them, so that you can find the crucial information later.
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