Hedge Maze Goal


Staff member

I was semi-manually doing the hedge maze and I kept having to enter the puzzle as a goal. I was about to make a FR when I looked at adventures.txt and saw that the goal was already there. Any ideas? I don't have good tools to show me whitespace at the moment so I don't know whether the data file is bad or whether there is something else going on.

Just to make sure, you weren't losing the hedze maze from having it stolen and then needing to get another were you? 'Cause that would seem like the correct behavior...
I auto-adventured in the maze to get a puzzle piece, which was set as a goal by typing it in. I ran mafia's maze solver until it stopped. If it ran out of puzzle pieces then I auto-adventured again for another piece and ran the solver again. Repeat until maze solved.

Every time, including the first, that I went to auto-adventure, the only goal choice I saw in the drop down was none and I got tired of typing. I was going to change the code to add it and found it was already there, hence my question. I presume there was some other condition outstanding as per charred or there is something to be investigated in the code (which I have not done yet).
Well, well, well. I think this is a Bug.

If you look at the second field in adventures.txt it contains entries of the form key=value. The vast majority of the entries have a value that is an integer. The hedge maze however has lair3=hedge. None of the other of the handful of places that have a string as the value have any goals specified, only the Hedge Maze. Now looking at line 224 in AdventureDatabase there is a test that stops processing the rest of the data line if that value is non-numeric. Thus the goals for the hedge maze are never added to the list of possible goals.

My limited search makes me believe this will have to be handled in code but since the characters of mine who have access to the tower are too drunk to adventure, research will have to wait.