Bug have_display() didn't recognize newly purchased display case til I refreshed



I have an account that didn't have a Display Case. I finally decided to buy one for this particular account. Then I highlighted a bunch of stuff in the item manager and clicked Display Case and spam clicked Ok to acknowledge that I wanted to move each of the selected items into the DC. (It dawned on me later that the Museum Display tool has an add all button.) Mafia didn't do any transfers because it didn't recognize that I'd purchased the Display Case and it said I didn't have one. In the relay browser I brought up my naked display case and repeated the spam click transfer attempt to the same end.

Then I did ash have_display(): and mafia reported false. At this point, I did a refresh and then mafia realized I had the display case. This is when it dawned on me that the add all button was in the Museum Display GUI so I used that.

Anyhow, tl;dr, 1) if mafia doesn't think you have a display case, it should somehow tell you BEFORE you go thru the process of spam clicking things to put in there if using the item manager to transfer stuff. 2) If you just bought a Display Case, mafia should be able to recognize that and update have_display() without requiring a refresh, especially if you've visited the DC in the relay browser already.

These are small issues in the grand scheme of things, but it may cause issues for someone in the future. Thanks!