Feature - Implemented have mafia create sugar shield or pull fam equipment before familiar training

There is a built-in script in mafia that completes the tower (Quests->Tower(Complete)) that will train familiars for you to get through the tower. Could a check be added in there to either pull a +5 familiar equip (hookah, lbof, or familiar-specific) if you have pulls left, or to create a sugar shield if sugar sheets are available (potentially also if one has casts of summon sugar, do that and then create)



Active member
Well, it won't create the sugar shield for you, but if you have one already, it'll equip it. :) The modifier maximizer won't create items for you automatically, only through the GUI.


True enough. I guess I'd reject any specific freq to make special handling that would create a sugar shield there. It should fail and let you make one on your own if you want.

I'll leave the thread marked implemented because green tags are positive and friendly.