Feature Have again-button point to most recent zone after eldritch attunement fights


After fighting an eldritch tentacle generated from eldritch attunement in e.g. the hidden bowling alley, the "again" button next to the combat bar leads back to the hidden city instead of to another adventure in the hidden bowling alley. Is there any chance you could make it adventure again in the zone which generated the fight instead? 99% of the time, that is what I want to do, so going back to the hidden city first costs some extra time. Of course I could use the link to recent zones in the charpane instead, but my pointer is usually within the main window, so it'd be easier for me to just click the again button.
The code does indeed just link to wherever KOL links to (Adventure Again link).

So this is probably a KOL bug report, but I guess we can try to work out some sort of generic code for this. Does this happen for any location (that it goes to container zone rather than current zone)? What does the adventure again link actually link to in the html? Are things other than Eldritch Attunement tentacles affected in this way ?
I think it sometimes have sent me back to e.g. the florist friars after getting free fights on the first adventure in a zone? I can't tell for certain offhand though. As for finding out what it points to in the html, I assume looking at the html of the frame and trying to find the button would do it?

I'd be happy with trying to help getting information for this feature, but I am a bit uncertain abou what will be needed to progress...
Hmm. When I try to look at the html for the final screen, with the again button, it shows the html for a screen showing "you're not in a fight" instead of the html of the last combat screen. I have no idea why that is :-P

Trying to use the site inspector to look at the button, it merely gives a link to the big mountains, when I got the eldritch tentacle after a fight in the wildlife preserve:
This matches up with the link given from the "Go back to the big mountains" at the end of the fight: