Thanks Winterbay. I'm not sure why updating that script fixes the issue but thank you!
Also, I finally have a feature request. Would it be possible to implement CSS switching based on the different activities, ie. bounty, farming, etc? I would like to use a separate script for bountying (ie, harvest combat), then swap to my own for my farming.
import <eatdrink.ash>;
if(get_property("har_current_activity") == "finish")
if(my_inebriety() == inebriety_limit())
if(item_amount($item[bucket of wine]) == 0)
buy(1, $item[bucket of wine]);
use(1, $item[bucket of wine]);
eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), true);
This is probably a question that is hilariously obvious, but is there a way I can force the harvest script to nightcap a bucket of wine as opposed to something that eatdrink establishes? The script works great and I love it, but this is a bit of confusion I have with it. (Note: I have no scripting abilities, sorry)
Right now I rarely use any clip art summons a given day so I almost always have one available. Would this be an easy thing for me to specify or would it be non-trivial?
Round 0: albertsqian wins initiative!
Beginning farming...
Beginning db combos...
can_dnirvana: true
can_dconcentration: true
pickpocket; pickpocket; skill 5005; skill 5008;skill 5003; skill 5005; skill 5008;while !pastround 25; attack; endwhile;
Round 1: albertsqian executes a macro!
This keeps on popping up and stopping the script. I have "get semi-rares" checked on the harvest relay, and the latest counterchecker.ash. This occurs on all the characters it's used on.Visit to Beanstalk: Giant's Castle in progress...
hidden city (automatic)
hidden city (encounter)
Multiple matches against Hidden City.
Bad location value: "Hidden City" (CounterChecker.ash, line 78)
Fortune Cookie counter expired. Last semirare found 1072 turns ago (on turn 17590) in Giant's Castle
Bad location value: "Hidden City" (CounterChecker.ash, line 78)
I thought he had it already. If it's still not working alexsqian it might be worth downloading a fresh version just in caseI have ... the latest counterchecker.ash.