Sunsetting Subversion support
On January 8, 2024, GitHub will remove support for Subversion.

For those of you that are unaware, SVN support in github will be removed on the 8th of Jan.
This was discussed before here: https://kolmafia.us/threads/implement-warnings-when-using-svn-with-github-projects.28617/ https://kolmafia.us/threads/update-...o-use-git-install-revisit-some-scripts.28672/
But this post isn't so much about that.
Instead, I'm thinking the following probably needs to be done.
1. We automatically skip over github when using svn update, and display a red warning instead
2. New installs could redirect to git instead, even if specifically using github
We shouldn't automatically reinstall git with an existing svn project via deleting and installing. The obvious reason being that scripts may lose custom changes.
But we could also possibly do something where a new command is added, "migratesvn". (If not done already), that could automatically reinstall those projects. But only if they are unmodified.
If my script installs a file, then the command could check if the remote file on github matches the file in our repo, and if the file in our repo matches the actual file in scripts. If any of that does not match, then we display a warning "Custom modified content" or something and move on. If someone touched their local script, then we'll note it but let the user resolve it.
That's just an idea though.
Short term, we need to inform the user about SVN, and skip over SVN github projects.