New Content - Implemented Guzzlr tablet - May Item of the month


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10533	Guzzlr tablet	413321705	guzzlrtablet.gif	usable		0
# Item Guzzlr tablet: Dispatches you to deliver booze to clients
Item	Guzzlr tablet	Free Pull
10532	Guzzlr application	189491478	guzzlrapp.gif	usable	t	0
# Item Guzzlr application

I used the tablet and got a mini-quest. Not something I'm going to fiddle with in a HC Plumber run.
Last edited:
10535	Guzzlrbuck	736222283	guzzlrbuck.gif	usable		0	Guzzlrbucks
# Item Guzzlrbuck
10536	Guzzlr hat	202471786	guzzlrhat.gif	hat		0
Guzzlr hat	100	none
# Item Guzzlr hat: Earn 25% more stats from Guzzlr deliveries
10537	Guzzlr shoes	620760390	guzzlrshoes.gif	accessory		0
Guzzlr shoes	0	none
# Item Guzzlr shoes: Make Guzzlr deliveries in less time
Item	Guzzlr shoes	Single Equip
10538	Guzzlr pants	254620570	guzzlrpants.gif	pants		0
Guzzlr pants	100	none
# Item Guzzlr pants: Get more Guzzlrbucks for successful deliveries
10539	Guzzlr souvenir stein	552484359	guzzlrstein.gif	offhand		0
Guzzlr souvenir stein	0	none
Item	Guzzlr souvenir stein	Booze Drop: +50
10540	Guzzlr tattoo kit	531405424	guzzlrtat.gif	usable		0
# Item Guzzlr tattoo kit
10546	Never Don't Stop Not Striving	531168605	book4.gif	usable	t	0
Item	Never Don't Stop Not Striving	Skill: "Always Never Not Guzzling"
194	Always Never Not Guzzling	ggeyes.gif	0	0	0
Skill	Always Never Not Guzzling	Booze Drop: +25
Outfit (likely the pants also?):
159	Guzzlr Uniform	guzzlrtat.gif	Guzzlr hat, Guzzlr shoes
Outfit	Guzzlr Uniform	Initiative: +25
Guzzlr Company Store Website	buy	100	Guzzlr hat	ROW1153
Guzzlr Company Store Website	buy	100	Guzzlr pants	ROW1155
Guzzlr Company Store Website	buy	100	Guzzlr shoes	ROW1154
Guzzlr Company Store Website	buy	500	Guzzlr souvenir stein	ROW1156
Guzzlr Company Store Website	buy	1000	Never Don't Stop Not Striving	ROW1158
Guzzlr Company Store Website	buy	2000	Guzzlr tattoo kit	ROW1157
The quests look like they work similar to the Lil' Doctor Bag quests. You need to deliver a specific booze to a customer in a zone.


No idea if the customers show up after a number of encounters in the zone like Lil' Doctor Bag quests yet. The forum thread says the delivery happens as a "post-combat" action so might be another choice follows fight situation but I haven't tried it out yet to confirm.
There is no choice option, it's more similar to the Songboom boombox. You encounter the customer post-combat, though it's just a message at the end


Also more items:

10534 Guzzlr cocktail set 898668946 guzzlrcock.gif none, fancy 0
# Item Guzzlr cocktail set

10541 Ghiaccio Colada 662254751 iceorb.gif drink t 0
Ghiaccio Colada 3 1 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item Ghiaccio Colada Effect: "On the Rocks", Effect Duration: 20
2568 On the Rocks iceorb.gif b460c98d02897446bc487d69855dceb9 neutral none drink 1 Ghiaccio Colada
Effect On the Rocks Cold Resistance: +3, Cold Damage: +30, Damage Reduction: 10
A brief look at Visited Locations yesterday tells me that each quest takes 5ish more turns than the previous one. So I guess people will want total quests tracked, as well as gold (limit 3/day) and platinum (limit 1/day).

Currently, it looks like recognizing quest completion is as simple as seeing Guzzlrbucks as a combat drop. I can imagine (based on no additional knowledge) something breaking that assumption a few years from now, so it would be nice if there was a more reliable method.
Quest log has the quest, so you could use that to confirm (in case the guzzlrbucks gain does get ruined sometime down the line).

And it would be nice if mafia also tracked the booze and location for your currently active quest.
10534	Guzzlr cocktail set	898668946	guzzlrcock.gif	none, fancy		0
# Item Guzzlr cocktail set
10541	Ghiaccio Colada	662254751	iceorb.gif	drink	t	0
Ghiaccio Colada	3	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	Ghiaccio Colada	Effect: "On the Rocks", Effect Duration: 20
10542	Sourfinger	601851963	fingerdrink.gif	drink	t	0
Sourfinger	3	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	Sourfinger	Effect: "Touched", Effect Duration: 20
10543	Nog-on-the-Cob	894624313	jarl_egg.gif	drink	t	0
Nog-on-the-Cob	3	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	Nog-on-the-Cob	Effect: "Sulfurous Sinuses", Effect Duration: 20
10544	Steamboat	820155184	stench.gif	drink	t	0
Steamboat	3	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	Steamboat	Effect: "Steamed", Effect Duration: 20
2568	On the Rocks	iceorb.gif	b460c98d02897446bc487d69855dceb9	neutral	none	drink 1 Ghiaccio Colada
Effect	On the Rocks	Cold Resistance: +3, Cold Damage: +30, Damage Reduction: 10
2569	Touched	fingerdrink.gif	29c659a6ece1b7cf85432905b6b946b9	neutral	none	drink 1 Sourfinger
Effect	Touched	Spooky Resistance: +3, Spooky Damage: +30, Experience: +3
2570	Sulfurous Sinuses	jarl_egg.gif	a962cc494b0d078eea5525b36c84c497	neutral	none	drink 1 Nog-on-the-Cob
Effect	Sulfurous Sinuses	Stench Resistance: +3, Stench Damage: +30, Meat Drop: +40
2571	Steamed	stench.gif	4ec1356a4339c91dc2ac87b7d29d7b41	neutral	none	drink 1 Steamboat
Effect	Steamed	Hot Resistance: +3, Hot Damage: +30, Item Drop: +20

All drinks are made by combining Guzzlr cocktail set with something:
Steamboat = miniature boiler
Nog-on-the-Cob = robin's egg
Ghiaccio Colada = cold wad
Sourfinger = mangled finger
All drinks are made by combining Guzzlr cocktail set with something:
You missed Buttery Boy which is made from clarified butter. I'm sorry I can't seem to get tabs to copy at all anymore. A mall search for butter will show the drink and effect.
I've written up a patch to track the quest, it's super similar to the Doctor Bag, so I mostly based it on that. Not entirely sure about tracking quest completion, and we can only determine the tier if you accept the quest through mafia at the moment. It's possible we could match tier against the booze you need to collect (I am starting to consider that there are preexisting "buckets" for these random fetch quests anyway which would be useful in multiple places, but I'll leave that to the spaders).

I haven't tested it and its complicated so I thought I would upload it here first.

View attachment guzzlr.patch
G-D forum seems to indicate that now that the tablet is an accessory with varying enchantments, we should be tracking Bronze/Gold/Platinum quests completed.
Here's the HTML from the "tap" choice adventure:

<p>You have completed 5 Bronze Tier deliveries.<p>You have completed 21 Gold Tier deliveries.<p>You have completed 6 Platinum Tier deliveries.
Yeah, I've been spending turns only on the higher tiers. I may have to start [wasting] spending turns on the Bronze tier to build up the item enchantments...

That is the output from choice.php?whichchoice=1412.

These are the choices:

[b]choice 2[/b]: Bronze Tier
[b]choice 3:[/b] Gold Tier
[b]choice 4[/b]: Platinum Tier
[b]choice 5[/b]: Don't take a client right now
Veracity my patch above does all of this!! Testing it today and will commit it if it works.
Ok the quest tracking is in r20086.

I am fairly confident that if you have multiple platinum cocktails it delivers the one with the highest item number, and have coded it as such. But if that turns out to be incorrect somehow, we can reassess.

Once we know the formulas we can calculate the tablet's enchantments from guzzlrBronzeDeliveries, guzzlrGoldDeliveries and guzzlrPlatinumDeliveries
Doing this made me wish we had like a separate class per quest, and we thus could do things like

  • GuzzlrQuest.reset() instead of manually resetting the props
  • Something like GuzzlrQuest.parseProgress( responseText, "FightRequest.updateRoundData" ) and handle the regex and appropriate actions there. To be way too smart you could have a GuzzlrQuest.parseProgress( responseText ) that uses a stack trace to work out the calling function.
  • And then some basic extension of Preferences to abstract somewhat the prop names so GuzzlrQuest.getString( "location" )

etc etc. These are purposely generic functions to be part of a Quest base class

It's off the top of my head but it would be so great to abstract a lot of this stuff away. What do you think?
Ok the quest tracking is in r20086.

There is another step to the quests that does not seem to be tracked. If you accept a Bronze or Gold Guzzler quest, but do not yet have the booze in inventory, the questlog has a step1:
"Acquire a (.+?) for your Guzzlr client.<p>"

Once you get the booze in inventory, the questlog changes to step2:
"Guzzlr.+?Deliver the (.+?) to your Guzzlr client: (.+?) in (.+?)\.<p>"

Currently with r20086, if you accept the quest and do not have the booze, guzzlrQuestLocation will be blank. After getting the booze and refreshing the quest log, it will correctly fill in the location. But the questlog must be re-checked manually, either by visiting the page or by doing "refresh quests".