Bug - Fixed GUI stuck in gray mode

I still see gray mode when switching between Relay and GUI, but upon successful completion of any command from the GUI, the GUI reverts back to a healthy shade of green. Fixed good enough for me!
Oddly enough, I just had the issue again last night. I will try the last posters idea to see if it fixes it, but so far, my only choice is to logout out and completely close down Mafia. It is strange that it was fixed, and then appears to be broken again for me.
Oddly enough, I just had the issue again last night. I will try the last posters idea to see if it fixes it, but so far, my only choice is to logout out and completely close down Mafia. It is strange that it was fixed, and then appears to be broken again for me.

I suspect this means that many of the causes of Mafia getting stuck in that mode have been fixed, but not all, rather than it being made impossible for Mafia to get stuck in that mode.
Just a thought - try hitting the "stop" button when it happens. It worked for me a couple of times so seemed more like a lag issue.
I suspect this means that many of the causes of Mafia getting stuck in that mode have been fixed, but not all, rather than it being made impossible for Mafia to get stuck in that mode.

Yes. This report was specific to charpane issues putting mafia in a pending state.

If anyone can find a DIFFERENT reproducible method to put mafia into a pending state, they can and should make a separate bug report for it. This one is fixed.