Bug - Fixed GUI stuck in gray mode

r9675 and r9677

I was adventuring normally in the relay browser. All of mafia's functions are working in the relay browser. I switch to the mafia GUI to do some crafting and found KoLmafia's GUI is stuck in the gray "processing" mode. "Stop Everything" brings it into the red mode, but nearly all GUI functions are unable to perform their tasks. For example, after clicking character refresh button, mafia responds with "Retrieving character data...", but does not actually performs the tasks. GUI interface is constantly red.

EDIT: Certain functions affected are those that require sending and retrieving information from KoL. Local functions are able to work in the "red" state.

If I continue to adventure, then the mafia GUI gets stuck in the gray state again.

While in this state, gCLI commands work fine. I can still continue to adventure in the relay browser without issues.

Unfortunately, I do not know what the trigger is for this bug. I have experienced it 3 times already today. Only work around I have found is to restart KoLmafia.

EDIT2: Further testing. All functions work in the gCLI, but those same functions, when accessed through the GUI, do not. Functions that are failing, even in the red state:
Refreshing character info (refresh button)
Purchasing and purchasing related (consuming food/drink/spleen, crafting)
Consumption even with finished items in inventory

Functions that appear to work: Refresh inventory
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I've had this happen recently too, but I haven't locked down a reproducible case.

I'm guessing it's a similar deal to the other bug report where charpanerequest is not returning KoLmafia.continuationState to CONTINUE_STATE under some circumstances.
This has happened to me, as well. It definitely started happening after the recent CharPaneRequest changes.
This has happened to me, as well. It definitely started happening after the recent CharPaneRequest changes.

Same for me - I never saw this issue using r9651, but it seems every build I've had since then has greyed out after a period of time. I haven't been able to find a particular trigger though.
For what it's worth, the going grey seems to happen when I've just used a chat command. Like /fam xeno or whatever.

I'm not sure if I have any such relay overrides going? I have Bale's universal recovery relay thingy and the one for bumcheekascend, but I don't actually have the former configured for use with my main account, and I don't think I've called bumcheekascend on the mafia build I'm currently using.
A relay override is not the same thing as a relay script. The first one replaces a "real" KoL-page with a modified version and the second one is a completely new page. If you have in your relay-folder a file called "charpane.ash" then you have an override for the charpane for example.
Winterbay, that's what I thought, but I wasn't sure. I only mentioned those two things because I think they're the only things in that directory that aren't standard parts of Mafia.
For what it's worth, the going grey seems to happen when I've just used a chat command. Like /fam xeno or whatever.

I haven't seen it occur after chat commands yet, but I don't use them that often. I've noticed it most after using modifier maximizer, but I've just had it grey out after doing a mood swing via the relay browser, this is using r9687.
So from what I can gather, only people running charpane relay overrides encounter this issue.
FYI, I do not have a file called "charpane.ash" in my relay folder. I do have bumcheek's ascend script there as the only 3rd party addition to the folder. Not sure if that counts or not, just adding more info.

I have noticed that the mood exec link in the character panel sometimes gets confused when mafia is stuck in the gray. Without changing anything and just clicking it when it lists the mood, mafia may exec the mood or exec "burn mana" instead. The link may also remain gray even outside of combat.

Eventually, the mood link returns to its normal behavior.
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Add my name to this list. I have noticed it about a week now, off and on. Windows 7, Java b26, and Pale Moon 5.0. Pooh, I say...

EDIT-I did just try to log out and log in again, and as long as I don't activate chat, I can craft stuff.
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EDIT-I did just try to log out and log in again, and as long as I don't activate chat, I can craft stuff.

This got me thinking whether it would work like that for me too....but it didn't. :(

I'm not sure whether it's how I'm using mafia (I'm probably 60-70% relay browser, rest of the time mafia window + maximizer) but I can't run the newer builds for more than an hour (at best) without having to logout, shut the window down completely and start up again. r9651 is still the latest version I can run for longer periods without it locking up. I hope this gets fixed soon, it makes me sad that I have to be so far out of date to run for any length of time.
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I saw this for the first time yesterday, and I do not have a charpane.ash script, or any other overrides that I know of.
Been having the same issue for a couple of weeks now. When the gray-out problem occurs it also becomes impossible to load adventure.php in the relay browser.

EDIT: The problem seems to stem from using the relay browser, at least for me. If I'm doing pure automation within the GUI it seems not to happen, or at least it develops more gradually.
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Someone mentionned avoiding the problem when chat wasn't launched - does anyone with the problem chat via the Relay Browser?