Bug - Fixed Goose-duping a Shen quest item increments questL11Shen step twice

[194] The Batrat and Ratbat Burrow
Preference lastEncounter changed from sausage goblin to the Batsnake
Encounter: the Batsnake
Round 0: sketchysolid wins initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 4 to 3
Round 1: sketchysolid executes a macro!
Round 1: sketchysolid casts INFINITE LOOP!
Round 2: sketchysolid wins the fight!
Your familiar gains a pound: Fifty Shades, the 6 lb. Grey Goose
Preference scrapbookCharges changed from 58 to 59
You acquire an item: The Stankara Stone
Preference questL11Shen changed from step1 to step2
Preference gooseDronesRemaining changed from 1 to 0
You acquire an item: The Stankara Stone
Preference questL11Shen changed from step2 to step3
After Battle: You think you see a weird thing out of the corner of your eye, but it turns out to be nothing. Which is actually pretty weird, if you think about it, man.
After Battle: Your nanites crackle as they absorb your foe's matter and energy.
Preference _boomBoxFights changed from 1 to 2
I guess I should elaborate. I duped The Stankara Stone with a goose drone (the matter duplicating drone was emitted in a previous combat), which caused mafia's quest tracking to see it twice, and to increase the questL11Shen preference from step1 to step2, and then again immediately from step2 to step3, which means that mafia now thinks that I've returned the item to Shen, and got a new quest from him. And since the shenQuestItem preference is still set to "The Stankara Stone", mafia thinks that I've gone back to Shen and received the second quest, to get another Stankara Stone in the ratbat burrow again.

This breaks TourGuide, which directs me back to the ratbat burrow, and loopgyou, which doesn't know what to do next.

Setting questL11Shen=step2 is a workaround fix to this problem.
I suppose it is unreasonable to ask you to do it again and get a DEBUG log. ;)

We can take one of our many goose drone html files and manually edit it to make it duplicate the quest item.

I know that which Shen quest you get depends on class and day. Is the Stankara Stone always a #1 quest for Shen?

I think a fix for this needs to assume it could happen for any of the quest items. Only advance quest if you are at a step when you expect to be fighting. Only advance quest if you only have one of the quest item. Something.