Gong - Bird Form - Cli scripts...


This is not super easy to setup but its worth it... If your unsure what your doing... STOP. YMMV and its not my fault if this opens a portal to hell and eats your cat.

Step 1 -
You need to edit your prefs file for each character and add 2 choice adventures, IF they don't exist.
\settings\ subdirectory is where this is located.
276=3 (this sets it to take bird form)
277=1 (this clicks the button, either does the same, to get your reward.)

Step 2 -
bird form has its own special attacks and options. The easiest way to handle these is to use a custom combat script (.ccs) I selected the locations I felt were best to accomplish specific goals. You can change them if you want, but my selections were made to make sure you get the different bugs you need to gain the different attacks required for attacks. You might need to alter locations based on your level.

I call it - bird.ccs (i think simple thoughts...)

[ default ]
attack with weapon

[ post-cyrpt cemetary ]
skill Feast on Carrion
skill Feast on Carrion
skill Feast on Carrion
skill Feast on Carrion
skill Feast on Carrion

[ ninja snowmen ]
skill Antarctic Flap
skill Antarctic Flap
skill Antarctic Flap
skill Antarctic Flap
skill Antarctic Flap

[ hippy camp ]
skill The Statue Treatment
skill The Statue Treatment
skill The Statue Treatment
skill The Statue Treatment
skill The Statue Treatment

[ frat house ]
skill Give Your Opponent "The Bird"
skill Give Your Opponent "The Bird"
skill Give Your Opponent "The Bird"
skill Give Your Opponent "The Bird"
skill Give Your Opponent "The Bird"

[ Friar's Gate ]
skill Rise From Your Ashes
skill Rise From Your Ashes
skill Rise From Your Ashes
skill Rise From Your Ashes
skill Rise From Your Ashes

[ middle chamber ]
skill All-You-Can-Beat Wing Buffet
skill All-You-Can-Beat Wing Buffet
skill All-You-Can-Beat Wing Buffet
skill Vicious Talon Slash
skill Vicious Talon Slash
skill Vicious Talon Slash

Step 3
Because I am simple, I couldn't figure out an easy way to handle having to eat the bugs as you acquired them and make sure you did it enough times before Bird Form ran out. So I did the next best thing... I stocked up on the different bugs in the mall. :)

*tugged out of the KolWiki - http://kol.coldfront.net/thekolwiki/index.php/Form_of...Bird! *
delectable fire ant
delicious stinkbug
scrumptious ice ant
tasty louse
yummy death watch beetle
delicious shimmering moth - mana restore item

You only need maybe 6 or so...

Step 4
The basic script...

set customCombatScript=bird.ccs
conditions clear
conditions add 1 glimmering raven feather
use 1 gong
use 4 delicious shimmering moth (because sometimes you need more mana, and these only work in bird form, you can drop this if you wish.)
use 5 yummy death watch beetle (see notes step 5)
adv 16 post-cyrpt cemetary
set customCombatScript="maincharacter".ccs (change "maincharacter" to whatever your default custom combat script it. I know I know you say you will remember, but please you always forget.)

Step 5
Run It! - yeah yeah I know its only the glimmering raven feather so far, but I needed to tweak the other scripts, but they are all cloned from the same basic format. You can figure out based on the monster types at the locations I've chosen which bugs to swap in for the yummy death watch beetle.

Wrap Up
So its not elegant, Its not pretty, but it works. It is hard to make 1 set I can post that covers everyone, you will need to select your own adventures based on your level and abilities. This is just my cobbled way of doing these adventures. Let the pointing and laughing commence...

wubbie - boingy boingy boingy boingy
For some reason, this doesn't work for me. Mafia will use one gong, adventure, collect the feather, but then fails to use a gong. It will continue trying to adventure in the selected location without birdform while attempting to use the skill.

I'm wondering if this works successfully for you, and if so, are there any differences in your scripts that aren't posted here?
At the time, I don't recall. Currently, r6320. I'll try cutting it up to a single instance script. Maybe the failure came in trying to loop it all together in an entire day's worth of advs?

ETA: If I run a single instance of the script it does indeed work properly.
okies... that makes sense why it flipped out.

when I wrote them they were ment to be single object fetching scripts.

sorta suprised no ones stopped in and written some pretty ash that does what my clunky cli scripts do...
Actually, your "clunky" cli script works perfectly. I tested a loop of 10 yesterday with no problems. The issue must have been with an old build.

Thanks for posting this :)
the only thing I dislike that its doing right now is it "pretends" to use the special bird attack in every encounter. You have to do 5 during all of the turns in bird form total, and I was afraid if i targeted 1 specific monster what would happen if you got not enough of that monster during your current bird form, well then you get no reward and it messes up the counter, as the counter carries over from bird form to bird form if you get no reward.

I suppose you could just cut back to
bird attack

you get to look for an object (steal) every new combat, and you will be in bird form for 15 turns...

The other clunky is the bird mp/hp restore portion. The bugs are only usable in bird form and you gain a few every bird trip. I tried the script once without the bugs and low on mp and it used "normal" mp restores. I doubt TPTB will add a "special form" only restores section, so if anyone can think of a less clunky/more efficient way to do this I am sure many people would be happy.

after running the script once my favorite cli command is repeat 10 (if i have enough gongs and turns that is)
I've been editing some scripts to make it similar to this. What I want it to do is basically do the wormwood advs at the right absinth levels while adventuring in castle during the extra adventures. But I also wanted to add the use of gongs all the time. Unfortunately, I get different errors from time to time. And usually, its the "WormWood area expired" error or something like that when I adventure into the WordWoom. What could be the reason behind this?
I never found myself having that many "extra" adventures when I was absinthe farming, we could call it adventuring but we are all farming things :)

my clunky cli to deal with it was...

use 1 tiny bottle of absinthe
conditions clear
set choiceAdventure164=2
conditions add choiceadv
adventure 10 Stately Pleasure Dome
conditions clear
set choiceAdventure168=2
conditions add choiceadv
adventure 10 Mouldering Mansion
conditions clear
set choiceAdventure172=2
conditions add choiceadv
adventure 10 Rogue Windmill

again probably overkill... but i'm simpleminded.