Going on vacation, need help.


New member
Hi, so I'm going to be on vacation for a while and I have no idea how to script. I have already downloaded Lingon to start up Mafia after rollover. However, I don't know what's next. Do I just load a script on the "On Login" part? I can only load one script though.

Mainly I just want to collect the daily lucre, so is there any way to automate that on login? Also, I would like to script my clip art summons, but the mafia breakfast tomb options does not include that.

Is there any way to script these to burn my turns?
Do I just load a script on the "On Login" part? I can only load one script though.
A single login script can do all you are asking for, but you should know that the On Login/On Logout lines are executed as if they were CLI commands, so you can throw in several commands in each. For example, here is my On Login line:
unequip sword prep; clanhop hod; call registry.ash; call login.ash;

If you are looking for a script that will lucre, eat/drink/spleen, then farm for you, you might want to try out Harvest. Just make sure it is properly configured and runs without any problems a few days before your vacation.
Hey, you the same guy who just popped back into HCN? Anyway, slyz's advice works for most stuff. For clip art, if there are specific items you want, you can just do "acquire 1 THING" as a line for each clip art item to summon.