Feature - Implemented [glitch season reward name] issues

Malibu Stacey

Active member
Couple of things I've noticed since acquiring my first [glitch season reward name]

implementGlitchItem = true
causes a mini-browser popup to appear during breakfast -> glitch_popup.png

There's no [eat] link on it in inventory ->glitch_inventory.png
When I purchased it from the Swagger shop, there was a [eat] link next to the [implement] one & change 19611 seems to suggest it should have it.
Also I would suggest (if possible/easily implementable) to have the link say "fight" rather than "eat" as that's what it's doing. It doesn't give you fullness or adventures or anything else eating normally does & this would remove a possible source of confusion for anyone who doesn't know the history of its eventual implementation this PvP season.

Changed from Bug to Feature.

Making the message not pop up is a simple change, but that was Veracity's decision so I'll leave it to her to decide if that should change.

The [eat] link (or fight or whatever it could say) will only show up when you acquire the item. Those links don't get added to inventory. I added
/goto inv_eat.php?pwd='+pwdhash+'&whichitem=10207
as a chat macro for that fight.
I made it a message display thing because I was interested in seeing how the implementation message changed. I'm up to "a ton more implementation". I understand there are a couple more levels. Somebody reported it ends up with "Whoah", or something. I want to see that. I don't feel like changing it until I do, but I'll consider if there is something I can do that will make it optional.

I did the fight (enough to get three %factoids%) by closeting and uncloseting in the browser using chat; we inserted the [eat] link in that case.

Naming the link [fight] makes sense, although leaving it as [eat] continues the glitch joke.
Ah, so this is what glitch item does!

May I suggest that
implementGlitchItem = true
be the default setting instead of defaulting to false?

Also, what does _softwareGlitchTurnReceived
do? is that related to glitchitem or is it something else?
So, I tested to see if this works and
[COLOR=olive]> eat Glitch season reward name[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red][Glitch     season reward name] cannot be eaten.[/COLOR]
Should it have an exception in the eat function? since it can actually be eaten (to cause a fight with %monster%)?

actually having this be the correct cli command to initiate the fight is keeping with the joke.
That's for the software glitch item from the bugged bugbear.
Thanks for explaining
To fight glitch monster via script
visit_url("inv_eat.php?&pwd&which=3&whichitem=10207"); 	//start fight with %monster%
string discard = run_combat();							//finish combat using ccs, don't print the battle to gCLI

I noticed there is a counter for how many glitch monsters you fought today called _glitchMonsterFights and it is not a bool. Is there a way to get more than 1 fight a day that I am not aware of?
Revision 19789 changes the message disply feature: the item is now marked "reusable", rather than "message", so it will not automatically pop up the use text - but if the glitchItemImplementationLevel changes from the last time we recorded it, we will pop up the window and show you the text.

I will still see the text if and when something new appears, but I - like everybody - will only see it 7 times, as it gets more and more implemented.
What is glitchItemImplementationLevel tracking, which use message it gives?

It would be a lot more informative to track the implementation reward (seen by the monster HP/MP/meat reward), because you can find the message level from the number of implementations at 1/2/4/11/37/69/111, but obviously not the other way around.
It'll be relevant for people who want to know how much stats and MP killing one will give, because you could then math out 5x for owning one and 10x for owning two.
It tracks the message. When I added that code, the spading was not complete (or publicly available) as to how many implementations changed the message.

I suppose I could add glitchItemImplementationCount, increment it when you implement, set it when the implementation level (message) changes), and set it when you defeat a %monster% and can therefore derive it from the rewards.
Revision 19846 adds a new property - glitchItemImplementationCount
When you implement the glitch item, this increments.
Additionally, we'll detect the minimum implementation count from the implementation message and use that, if needed.

Now that I've realized that %monster% is a free fight, I need to add it to my set of daily free fights - and I will add code that will detect the HP/MP/Meat from defeating it and auto-correct the implementation count.
I noticed I often get an attempt at implementing about 5 times a day (since a bunch of different scripts call on breakfast to be rerun)
So maybe have a _glitchImplementedToday property and an if function to check it and only do implement if it is false?
That was implemented in revision 19848, twenty minutes before you wrote that post. ;)
It uses _glitchItemImplemented
No “Today” since that is implied by the _
Revision 19908 will notice when you defeat %monster% and will deduce the values of the following properties from its Meat drop:


This takes into account the number of [glitch season reward name] you have in inventory, so should be accurate.

Revision 19906 calculates %monster% Atk, Def, and HP based on glitchItemImplementationCount. This does NOT take # of glitch items in inventory into account.
The glitch monster has two daily flags: implementing (use) and fighting (eat). Mafia currently looks at _glitchItemImplemented T/F for both, and /use glitch will prevent you from typing eat glitch in the gcli to trigger the fight. _glitchMonsterFights already exists, so the eat>fight gcli command is checking the wrong thing.