Get the most out of your bookshelf at logout


New member
This script tries to use the rest of your mp summoning items from your bookshelf. It then goes and tries to refill using the Nuns (if they give mp), Oscus's neverending soda, and the PYEC. It casts librams, then tomes, then grimoires. Each group is ordered from oldest to newest skill (Snowcones, then stickers, then Sugar Sheets). It skips a skill if you don't have it. Each available skill is cast round robin style within each group (1 Candy Heart, 1 Party Favor, 1 Love Song, repeat).

It's version 2.4 because I've done alot of things that were on my to do list before releasing it. (It's got comments! Loads and loads of comments!) But now it works well, so y'all can use it confidently.

I imagine this will appeal to a very small group of people, probably just aftercore-ers with loads of mp, but I wanted to share my first script with everyone. : )

EDIT: v2.6 now up.

(Feedback plzkthnks)


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Exellent! I can't wait to hear your feedback.

My biggest issue right now is that it will try to cast any tomes or grimoires you have even if all their summons have been used. I'm not sure how to fix it, as use_skill() returns true. It doesn't actually cast the skill, it just goes into the tome loop (three times) or grimoire loop, and that shows up in the log.
boolean hilariousSummon = get_property("grimoire1Summons").to_boolean();
boolean giftSummon = get_property("grimoire2Summons").to_boolean();
int tomes = get_property("tomeSummons").to_int();
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Thanks. I didn't find the properties page in my mad clicking on the wiki... That made things much simpler with the nuns too.

While I was at it, I moved some of the decision logic around. Hopefully it'll make things a bit faster...
EDIT: Actually, I may have over edited...
EDIT++: All fixed. I was a bit over zealous with ctrl-x before...
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