Whoa! I didn't realize anyone still cared about this program!

Thanks for the update!
Whoa! I didn't realize anyone still cared about this program!
You wanted to keep a pack in inventory? I wasn't supporting that. I figured it made sense to keep a card, but not to keep a spare pack.
Check the name of the variable it prompts you for when you start the script: Keep_One_Card_in_Inventory
Mall conditions changed so that credits are available in my target range. As previously noted (and I'm just noting it in case there are other reasons to edit the script, not because I expect it to be addressed) I have one of each card in my inventory after execution regardless of whether I answer True or False when running from the script menu.
Second and much more interesting is what actually happens when it buys packs. What it seemed to be doing was buying the packs, using them and then only turning in the cards from that pack that were actually available in the mall at less than the target price. Since the expected credit yield is based upon turning in all the cards I feel like it bought more packs than necessary or that the effective cost per credit of buying packs was much higher than expected.
One solution would be to inform the user that packs were a viable option but that the user should use the packs and turn in the results manually.
One solution would be to turn in (subject to the keep one flag) the cards that were generated by the pack.
What might be the best solution would be to use the pack, turn in the resulting cards that have a mall price less than the target price per credit and mall sell the rest. The mall sale price would be what KoLmafia is reporting as the current price for the card and not a price derived from the target price per credit since it would be trivially easy to determine the price per credit someone was aiming for and manipulate the market accordingly. If my thinking is not too fuzzy, it seems to me that, once the cards sold, the effective price per credit from buying teh pack would be at or better than the target.