New Content - Implemented G Lover

In 18699 (and older), if you attempt to create a food or drink item via the Item Manager that requires turns, KoLMafia helpfully wants to create a bartender- or chef- in-a-box for you, but you can't use one, so you fail to install it.

I can still create (for example) a grogtini by going to discoveries or doing it manually, but not via the Item Manager.

Not sure if it's best to dim the "require-in-a-box" and "Repair on Explosion" (since you can do neither) and set their parameters to "false" for all G-Lover runs or if there's a better/different place to insert GLover handling...
r18703 ignores requiring boxes in G-Lover. Untested.
Since making that thread I have also noticed a similar issue with "anti-anti-antidote". Namely, if you get poisoned (which is harmless during G lover because there is no G in poison) then the custom combat script will pointlessly try to remove the poison, which will cause it to error out since antidote doesn't have a G in it. Can be worked around by disabling poison removal in the custom combat script special actions pane.
r18704 ignores antidote automation - untested
Thanks for all those updates

18706. Don't autoOlfact in G-Lover. — darzil
just to clarify, does this replace transcendent olfaction with galapagosian mating call during glover, or just completely disable it?
18703 works, but still not exactly what I wanted. grogtini (and other in-a-box requiring concoctions, I assume) does not appear in the "Booze" section of the Item Manager for G-Lover unless you also uncheck "require in-a-boxes" under "Creatable".
Thanks for all those updates

just to clarify, does this replace transcendent olfaction with galapagosian mating call during glover, or just completely disable it?
It disables it, there are so often alternatives to olfaction, with different limits, that I didn't want to mess around with it too much.
18703 works, but still not exactly what I wanted. grogtini (and other in-a-box requiring concoctions, I assume) does not appear in the "Booze" section of the Item Manager for G-Lover unless you also uncheck "require in-a-boxes" under "Creatable".
Try r18708, untested
It disables it, there are so often alternatives to olfaction, with different limits, that I didn't want to mess around with it too much.
That is fair, thank you.
18703 works, but still not exactly what I wanted. grogtini (and other in-a-box requiring concoctions, I assume) does not appear in the "Booze" section of the Item Manager for G-Lover unless you also uncheck "require in-a-boxes" under "Creatable".
This reminds me... there are two buttons, "auto repair" and "require in a boxes".
Auto repair actually seems to automatically build and install one even if you never had one that ascension and it didn't explode. While "require" seems to hide items that require adventures to craft. Repair should probably say "auto install in-a-boxes" instead of repair since that is what it actually does.

Moreover, it seems that "require in-a-boxes" which is found in "creatable" page of item manager override the the options chosen in the useable page. The usable page has buttons that say "no create" and "turn-free", but turning them both off will still hide adventure costing options so long as the "require in-a-boxes" option on the creatable page is ticked... Although the new version (r18708) in g lover no longer has this issue since it automatically ignores that option. I imagine a normal run would still have this problem.
I'm in a Normal G-Lover run.
I ask the maximizer for "advs" with pullable/buyable selected
It suggests "ninjammies"


They have Adventures +2 (and PVP Fights +2), but they have no G, so surely those to not work?
They also have Rollover Effect - which I think the maximizer likes - of 50 turns of Morninja - which also has no G, so will also not be effective

(If I ask for "fites", maximizer suggests pull & equip genie's pants - which DO have a G and which give PVP fights + 2)
I just remembered something. I am going to have to double check this tomorrow when I get more adventures (unless someone else can confirm this before then).

But I think in G lovers mafia will automatically equip brimstone bracelet (-3 MP cost of skills) before casting a mood buff/tongue of walrus.
Even though the brimstone bracelet has no G so it should not provide said -3MP per cast bonus. (it shouldn't, but does it? I will try to remember to test that too)

Doing this adds unnecessary server access as well as slowing down the game. Also, if you happen to have a -2MP cost item that has G in it, it won't get used since -3MP is better (if it worked). I will do some proper spading on this tomorrow.
Weird bug. Each time on the last few days I have ascended into G-Lover, the item manager shows booze and food I could make (with pulling ingredients), in italics. A restart shows hardly anything, and is as expected.
I just remembered something. I am going to have to double check this tomorrow when I get more adventures (unless someone else can confirm this before then).

But I think in G lovers mafia will automatically equip brimstone bracelet (-3 MP cost of skills) before casting a mood buff/tongue of walrus.
Even though the brimstone bracelet has no G so it should not provide said -3MP per cast bonus. (it shouldn't, but does it? I will try to remember to test that too)

Doing this adds unnecessary server access as well as slowing down the game. Also, if you happen to have a -2MP cost item that has G in it, it won't get used since -3MP is better (if it worked). I will do some proper spading on this tomorrow.

r18718 shouldn't try items without G's to save mana. It should have gone on to get the next best as it wouldn't actually have changed current mana cost.

Weird bug. Each time on the last few days I have ascended into G-Lover, the item manager shows booze and food I could make (with pulling ingredients), in italics. A restart shows hardly anything, and is as expected.
This happened to me too. Apparently the "pull budget" was set to 3 on the Storage panel. That means "consider pulling up to 3 things to create something". I have never, ever used the "pull budget", so it confused me, too, until I remembered that feature exists.

I certainly had unused pulls on my last day of the run, and when I freed the king, pulls were not restricted, so it changed it to -1 in the GUI.

Perhaps that is related?
Interesting, my budget was -1 when I just checked, I never use it, and I had no unused pulls when I freed the king.

That gives me a place to look next time, though.
This happened to me too. Apparently the "pull budget" was set to 3 on the Storage panel. That means "consider pulling up to 3 things to create something". I have never, ever used the "pull budget", so it confused me, too, until I remembered that feature exists.

I certainly had unused pulls on my last day of the run, and when I freed the king, pulls were not restricted, so it changed it to -1 in the GUI.

Perhaps that is related?
Oh, so that is how it is... I have not seen the pull budget feature before you explained it right now either.

Best use I see for it, raise it above 0 to see all that is available sorted neatly by adv/fullness. then set the budget back to zero and pull the items you need manually.
Weird bug. Each time on the last few days I have ascended into G-Lover, the item manager shows booze and food I could make (with pulling ingredients), in italics. A restart shows hardly anything, and is as expected.
And . . . this time it didn't do it!
maximizer has an odd thing, telling it to optimize for "meat" in g lover with creatable enabled, it suggests that I create and equip back carpe
carpe has no G and does not work in glover, as such it should not be made during glover.
maximizer has an odd thing, telling it to optimize for "meat" in g lover with creatable enabled, it suggests that I create and equip back carpe
carpe has no G and does not work in glover, as such it should not be made during glover.
And did you have no other back item ? Maximizer likes to fill in the gaps.