Feature - Implemented Friendly warnings for fuzzy matches in $type[]

You're right that once-per-session warnings aren't very intrusive and I agree that they can be useful, but I personally don't want them to be mandatory. If I get warnings, I will feel compelled to fix them immediately, so I either want to turn off the warnings or treat the warnings as errors (i.e. not have fuzzy matching at all), depending on my mood. Being able to turn off the warnings isn't hugely important to me or anything, but it would be nice. Whether it's opt-in or opt-out makes no difference to me (I was being facetious earlier), I just want the option to exist.
So fix them!

I've been fixing the errors on miner, zlib, BatBrain, SmartStasis, omnivore, Wossname, and other scripts that aren't mine locally (making that a type 3, unfixable as you say) so that they work quietly. I also fix the scripts that other people use like EatDrink, canadv, and TheSea (type 2) and sometimes ones that are or have become local scripts like farm, ballroom (type 1) and others. Most users start as only a type 3, but many become type 1 as well and if they like it enough, eventually move on to being a type 2 as well.

It's also made me actually update several map files on zarqon's server... not because I especially care about the various updates, but to avoid the shouting messages. Everyone using those scripts benefits from updates, especially in places like the knob shaft, which had been detecting as not having anything due to it having the fuzzy match having 2 locations...

Basically, I think this is great because it helps new scripters actually do it right. What benefit do you have in doing it wrong? If we can give you useful warning messages that help guide you to better processes without breaking things... why would we take those away?