Forum navigation problems


For the past several days, I been having trouble navigating the forums. After 10 to 15 seconds of inactivitity, the browser tab for changes to "Connecting" and shows a spinning circle. Then it becomes very sluggish to use the browser back button to return to the previous topic. I'm using Firefox, but an older version, 26.0. I haven't had any navigation problems until 3 or 4 days ago when this suddenly started happening. Once this starts happening, I seem to have to go back to the "Forum" tab and select "New Posts" again to see the list of unread posts. After a while, even this seems to clog up and I have to log out (which itself takes a long time, i.e. more than 30 seconds) or quit Firefox. Anybody else noticing any problems or have any suggestions for what might be causing my woes?

OS: Mac OSX 10.9.5
Browser: Firefox 26.0
I've noticed the same thing with the tab trying to load something after about 10-15 seconds. I didn't try going back before since I always just open the New Posts links in their own tabs, but the back button does seem to be unresponsive enough that it is basically unusable.
Firefox on Windows has been showing "Connecting..." and the green tail eating snake on all tabs for me for quite some time, but since page loads and site response have been well within expectations I have not worried about it.
I put it down to adverts being badly coded, as there is usually an advert not loading whenever there is a slowdown for me. Quality control on Google ads is poor (though many other ad services are far worse).
I just blocked and now my tabs have names I can read instead of spinning circles.
I just blocked and now my tabs have names I can read instead of spinning circles.
Thanks, Crowther. I gave that a try and it fixed my problems. I don't know what changed a few days ago that started the problem, but it sure is great to be rid of it. I was also a bit relieved that lostcalpolydude and fronobulax were experiencing something similar so that it wasn't just some dumb mistake I'd made. I hope fewyn can look into and maybe get the root problem fixed, rather than applying band-aid solutions.
When I blocked it I figured it was more than likely going to break things and it still might. I'm amused I never noticed the back button being broken. That's how rarely I use it.
Huh I this is a side-effect of a near feature I turned on at Cloudflare. I'll mess with the settings.

Edit: I made some changes let me know if this still happens.