Fortune Cookie counters problem


Active member
> counters

Last semirare found 189 turns ago (on turn 641) in Cobb's Knob Harem

Unexpired counters:
Semirare window end (11)

> eat 1 fortune

Since you are not in a Mysticality sign, you may not visit the restaurant.
Searching for "fortune cookie"...
Search complete.
Purchasing fortune cookie (1 @ 40)...
You acquire an item: fortune cookie
You spent 40 Meat
Purchases complete.
Eating 1 fortune cookie...
You gain 1 Adventure
Lucky numbers: 30, 162, 7
Lucky number 30 ignored - too large to be a semirare.
Finished eating 1 fortune cookie.

> counters

Last semirare found 189 turns ago (on turn 641) in Cobb's Knob Harem

Unexpired counters:
Fortune Cookie (162)
Fortune Cookie (7)

Could someone explain to me why 162 is considered ok when 30 is too high? I'm probably just missing something.
Two different windows; the 7 you received can fall into your current window, the 162 in your next window, but the 30 can't fall into either.

Your current window goes from 29 turns ago to 11 turns in the future; the 7 fits in there. The next window is wider, since you don't know when it starts. At earliest, it could start in (160 - 29 =) 131 turns and end in (11 + 200 =) 211 turns. So that window is 131 to 211. 162 is inside this window. 30, however, isn't in any window.
If you had somehow managed to miss the current semi-rare (by spending the actual turn in an inappropriate place), that 162 could have been the next semi-rare... but 30 is too early for that (and too late for the current one).