Bug - Fixed Force use should not increment stinky cheese/pantsgiving counters

Today I spent 49 turns adventuring with the stinky cheese/pantsgiving equipped, and then performed a saber action on the 50th turn:

[334594] The Hippy Camp (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)
Preference lastEncounter changed from "Knee Frozen To His Chest" Lucian Ocallaghan to cavewomyn hippy
Encounter: cavewomyn hippy
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20220117103350 to 20220117103435
Preference _stinkyCheeseCount changed from 49 to 50
Preference _pantsgivingCount changed from 49 to 50
Round 0: DanceCommander6 wins initiative!
Round 1: DanceCommander6 casts USE THE FORCE!
Preference lastEncounter changed from cavewomyn hippy to Using the Force
Encounter: Using the Force
Took choice 1387/3: "You will drop your things and walk away."
Preference _saberForceUses changed from 0 to 1
You acquire an item: handful of nuts and berries
You acquire an item: handful of pine needles

However, the cheese did not go up in stats, which is consistent with me occasionally ending up with a 9-adventure diaper after garbo (which would use the saber during the cheese turns). I ran turns with the Pantsgiving until it granted its third fullness at a counter of 501:

[335044] Dreadsylvanian Castle
Preference lastEncounter changed from Prisoner #395729: "Prodding Ribs" Nicol to Desdemona Flamestein
Encounter: Desdemona Flamestein
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20220117111841 to 20220117111845
Preference _pantsgivingCount changed from 500 to 501
Round 0: DanceCommander6 wins initiative!
Round 0: DanceCommander6 uses the Rain-Doh indigo cup and uses the Rain-Doh blue balls!
Round 1: You gain 1,433 hit points
Round 1: hot vampire takes 16 damage.
Round 1: You lose 10 hit points
Round 1: hot vampire heals 10 hit points.
Round 1: DanceCommander6 uses the Time-Spinner!
Round 2: hot vampire drops 24 attack power.
Round 2: hot vampire drops 25 defense.
Round 2: You lose 10 hit points
Round 2: hot vampire heals 6 hit points.
Round 2: DanceCommander6 casts MICROMETEORITE!
Round 3: hot vampire drops 48 attack power.
Round 3: hot vampire drops 48 defense.
You gain 73 Meat.
Round 3: You lose 10 hit points
Preference _micrometeoriteUses changed from 499 to 500
Round 3: DanceCommander6 casts POCKET CRUMBS!
Round 4: hot vampire drops 51 attack power.
Round 4: hot vampire drops 42 defense.
Round 4: You lose 10 hit points
Round 4: DanceCommander6 casts SING ALONG!
Round 5: You lose 10 hit points
Round 5: DanceCommander6 attacks!
Round 6: hot vampire takes 3598 damage.
Round 6: The grateful Dreadsylvanian blacksmith gives you a kiss on the cheek. Must be some kind of adorable foreign custom.
Round 6: DanceCommander6 wins the fight!
You gain 54 Meat
After Battle: PROPERTY OF CDR's chirps echo off the distant Dreadsylvanian hills as she flits in circles around your head. It's like she's dancing in midair!
After Battle: The grateful Dreadsylvanian blacksmith gives you a kiss on the cheek. Must be some kind of adorable foreign custom.
After Battle: You gain 29 Strengthliness
After Battle: You gain 37 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 67 Roguishness
Preference _pantsgivingFullness changed from 2 to 3
Pantsgiving increases max fullness by one to 23.
Preference _boomBoxFights changed from 1 to 2

It seems that saber uses lead to the two counters not being incremented.


Staff member
Ok so these are flags that should be incremented at end of fight, and saber skips that block. I can look into that when I have time.