Feature - Rejected Fold Loathing Legion Knife into tradeable form upon Ascension


New member
Was helping out a friend of mine by sending them some of my Mr Store items for a softcore ascension he's about to go through. I was going to send my Loathing Legion Knife, but then realised I still had it in helicopter form, and thus couldn't send it to him. It's a small thing, but it could be useful, and it doesn't hurt anything that I can see.


Staff member
A preAscensionScript can handle this... but the same argument could be made about bear arms. I like not having to refold my legion item as soon as I pull it every run (which is most conveniently done by typing in a mafia command, compared with bear arms where you can just click the mafia-provided link when KoL gives them to you for free). There's also the question of how many should be turned back into a knife, if a person has multiple legion items; I think it would require using the closet (or other location) or visit_url() to convert multiple items into knives with a script.


I have it in my preAscensionScript, but would not mind if it was added to basic mafia functionality. The need for having it in my preAscensionScript is why I requested the reboxing of bear arms as a bear arms feature from the very beginning since like the knife I figured it would never hurt, but sometimes (occasionally) help.

It's in your hands to decided, Mr. Project Manager. ;)


Staff member
I'm not planning to look at it without some idea of what it should do for the person out there with 30 legion knife variants in their inventory. There is probably someone out there that pulls and wears 4 forms every run.


There's no hp loss — or other penalty — for them to fold their loathing knives into the forms of their choice.


Not desperate personally, but did hit this myself a couple of days back, and would have let me help someone had it been in place.


New member
If it's too much of a big thing to make a default occurrence, it could be made into a preference option, and default to "don't fold it back into tradeable form on ascension". Regardless of what's done, I was just happy to see it taken into consideration.


No need for a preference, you can already make it happen. In Preferences -> Automation, add "fold legion knife;" to the Pre-Ascension field. If you want to fold more than one, it may take more work, but you will certainly find someone here who will help you out.

All of these automation hooks exist so that users can have the kind of features you are asking for without bloating the code with many small features that may or may not please everyone.


Staff member
If a preference was added, I would expect it to control all repackaging (this and bear arms so far). I understand why someone would want this, since by the time you realize you want it it's probably too late. However, I personally want bear arms to be repackaged and not loathing legion knives, which would mean having the setting off only to duplicate part of it in a postAscensionScript. I don't think it would be a very useful feature if it defaulted to off, since people would find out about it after they realized that they can't send the knife to someone else.


Preferences really shouldn't control things that are this marginal. Especially when scripts can cover the functionality just fine.

If someone can post a brief preAscensionScript to cover this freq, that would be good (and we can close it then).


Sure. Can do.

// Convert all Loathing Legion whatevers into their base form
void LoathingLegionKnife() {
	int x = item_amount($item[Loathing Legion knife]);
	put_closet(x, $item[Loathing Legion knife]);
	foreach other in get_related($item[Loathing Legion knife], "fold")
		while(item_amount(other) + equipped_amount(other) > 0 && other != $item[Loathing Legion knife]) {
			if(equipped_amount(other) > 0)
				cli_execute("unequip "+other);
			cli_execute("fold Loathing Legion knife");
			x += 1;
			put_closet(1, $item[Loathing Legion knife]);
	take_closet(x, $item[Loathing Legion knife]);

void main() {
	if(get_property("kingLiberated").to_boolean()) {
		print("Prepared for Ascension.");
	} else abort("WTF!?  Why is a preAscensionScript runnin'?");