Fixing permissions


Active member
For whatever wonderful reason, SourceForge removed my KolMafia project. I've reconstructed it, but of course without any of the permissions I'd previously added. I've put in fronobulax as a general dev, added zarqon on CanAdv, but also previously had dj_d on EatDrink and kitsunenine on GetSkill. If those (or anyone else) should be added to repositories, please send me a message and let me know the right SF names. Thanks.
I think the best thing to do is to delete and reconstruct again, without the funky no-code code. Few more moments and hopefully we're back with a more functional hosting.
And, of course I'm currently getting a 500 Forbidden error on trying to reload it. Guess I need to wait and not keep twitching through the kinda terrible SF UI. Hopefully rebuilt soon, but I'll give it at least an hour before trying again.
I made a PR to change svnrepo.txt to have your new paths.
Make up your mind! :)

But, you are correct - for people who already have your scripts installed, it would be easier to have the same path.
Sorry Veracity. :) I'll try to avoid doing things that fall deeply under the terms of the A word. Still waiting for SourceForge to finish processing removing the badly done custom SVN repos under the main project so I can add subprojects and default-code-path-SVN under them.
Another hour, still the broken 500 error. Guess their tombstone must be slower than two hours. Here's hoping it clears eventually though. If it's still busted tomorrow, I'll make a support request.
Well, I'm not the only one with a 500 broken error on SourceForge currently. Ticket is still unassigned over 12 hours later, but at least one of the tickets I saw in the count did get removed, so... here's hoping I'm able to update soon.
Apparently I failed to note when it was all done. They're back up again, with new repository ids of course, which means that successfully getting future updates requires deleting and reinstalling the script. Positive note, since it's the same URL it's still in the script repo, and a mismatched repository ID doesn't make the svn update function crash, unlike deleting the script entirely and moving it to git. :)

If anyone else needs access to commit to anything, let me know. As noted in the first of this thread, fronobulax has general commit rights and zarqon has rights for CanAdv. Thanks.