Scriptlet that returns the Cost To cast a skill as a int.
In preparation for writing this script, I downloaded Nightmists SkillToInt scriptlet, and upon looking at it, I decided to switch from writing the script to just data entry. Alas, I changed the return values for all the skills I know the MP to cast, and commented out the ones I didn't.
I guess this is kind of a help request. Is there anyone who can fill in the missing info?
To use:
Returns 0 if it cant find the skill.
Not yet tested.
Edit added Hillarious objects cost to still partially complete list.
Edit2, see second post for a more complete, if not complete version
In preparation for writing this script, I downloaded Nightmists SkillToInt scriptlet, and upon looking at it, I decided to switch from writing the script to just data entry. Alas, I changed the return values for all the skills I know the MP to cast, and commented out the ones I didn't.
I guess this is kind of a help request. Is there anyone who can fill in the missing info?
To use:
CostToCast( $skill[*Skill Here*])
Returns 0 if it cant find the skill.
Not yet tested.
Edit added Hillarious objects cost to still partially complete list.
Edit2, see second post for a more complete, if not complete version