New Content - Implemented February 2012 IOTM - Can of Rain-Doh


Unknown item found: can of Rain-Doh (5553, 572522502)
5553 can of Rain-Doh usable all 0
5553 572522502 raindoh.gif can of Rain-Doh
# can of Rain-Doh

When used, I get:

Unknown item found: empty Rain-Doh can (5554, 817677410)
5554 empty Rain-Doh can none display 0
5554 817677410 raindohempty.gif empty Rain-Doh can
# empty Rain-Doh can
Unknown item found: Rain-Doh red wings (5556, 233745367)
5556 Rain-Doh red wings accessory none 0
5556 233745367 raindohwings.gif Rain-Doh red wings
Rain-Doh red wings 0 none
Rain-Doh red wings Hot Damage: +11, Initiative: +20, Softcore Only
Unknown item found: Rain-Doh orange agent (5557, 631939931)
5557 Rain-Doh orange agent none, combat none 0
5557 631939931 raindohagent.gif Rain-Doh orange agent
# Rain-Doh orange agent
Unknown item found: Rain-Doh yellow laser gun (5558, 964864008)
5558 Rain-Doh yellow laser gun weapon none 0
5558 964864008 raindohgun.gif Rain-Doh yellow laser gun
Rain-Doh yellow laser gun 100 Mox: 0 1-handed pistol
# Rain-Doh yellow laser gun: Super Accurate!
Rain-Doh yellow laser gun Weakens Monster, Softcore Only
Unknown item found: Rain-Doh green lantern (5559, 301700297)
5559 Rain-Doh green lantern offhand none 0
5559 301700297 raindohlantern.gif Rain-Doh green lantern
Rain-Doh green lantern 0 none
# Rain-Doh green lantern: Makes Spells Smell Worse
Rain-Doh green lantern Maximum MP: +20, Softcore Only
Unknown item found: Rain-Doh blue balls (5560, 272738469)
5560 Rain-Doh blue balls none, combat none 0
5560 272738469 raindohballs.gif Rain-Doh blue balls
# Rain-Doh blue balls
Unknown item found: Rain-Doh indigo cup (5561, 652374390)
5561 Rain-Doh indigo cup none, combat none 0
5561 652374390 raindohcup.gif Rain-Doh indigo cup
# Rain-Doh indigo cup
Unknown item found: Rain-Doh violet bo (5562, 345933889)
5562 Rain-Doh violet bo weapon none 0
5562 345933889 raindohbo.gif Rain-Doh violet bo
Rain-Doh violet bo 100 Mus: 0 2-handed staff
Rain-Doh violet bo Sleaze Damage: +11, Moxie: +11, Softcore Only
Unknown item found: Rain-Doh black box (5563, 796678285)
5563 Rain-Doh black box none, combat none 0
5563 796678285 raindohbox.gif Rain-Doh black box
# Rain-Doh black box


Black box is a copy item - the counter is shared with spooky putty sheets
5564 Rain-Doh box full of monster none none 0
5564 965400716 raindohboxfull.gif Rain-Doh box full of monster
# Rain-Doh box full of monster
You acquire an item: Rain-Doh box full of monster
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Miscellaenous usage note - Using a can of raindoh consumes it, and results in an empty can & all the equipment/combat items. Trying to use more than 1 can in a run is verboten and will not use up the can.

In short for inventory purposes, only subtract a can of rain-doh when an empty rain-doh can is acquired.
Do you have the text for:

- when you successfully use the Rain-Doh black box in combat
- when you try to use the Rain-Doh black box in combat, but you have already made 5 copies today
I don't know if it needs tracking, but... apparently when you ascend, the empty can becomes the full can, in storage, again. If mafia is going to need to refresh storage anyways, it probably doesn't need extra tracking on this. If it saves the server hit by updating storage automatically, then it will need to know about this shift.
r10373 adds almost everything we need to support this IoTM. As soon as we have the fight messages from using the Rain-Doh black box, and figure out how to "only subtract a can of rain-doh when an empty rain-doh can is acquired", this can probably be marked as implemented.

This is 100% untested by the way.
r10380 adds the messages to look for when using the box in combat.

I don't think I'm going to have time to add the "only subtract a can of rain-doh when an empty rain-doh can is acquired" check any time soon (especially since I don't have any cans and don't count on getting one).
Apparently, although this acts like the Spooky Putty sheet and shares a daily use limit, you can have have two different monsters. We currently share the spookyPuttyMonster setting. That has to be wrong.

Edit: Revision 10400 tracks it separately in the rainDohMonster setting.

I see that the Putty Daily Deed seems to want to track both putty and Rain-Doh. Although they share a counter, that's it, and they should not be glommed together. I did not change it.

Well, how do you handle adding already-extant books to the magical bookshelf.
What are you talking about? What does this have to do with Rain-Doh?
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lcd pretty much nailed what I was getting at. I figured I was probably over complicating what I was talking about, so I tried stripping it down to something that shares similar behavior.

You can only consume 1 can of Rain-Doh in a given run, any attempts to go beyond that end in a failure. I was wondering how Mafia handles multiple-spellbook uses, since you can only ever consume 1, and any attempts to go beyond it end in a failure.
I believe that mafia just knows the failure text and when it happens, it stops trying to process the item.
More-or-less correct. We assume the best and remove the item from inventory, and then, if we see the failure text, we put it back. I'd like to refactor UseItemRequest to do the removal after we see success - along with not incrementing fullness up front and having to fix it later, and so on - but that's another project.

In any case, we just need to know what KoL reports when you try to use the second one. According to the Wiki: "You're already playing with Rain-Doh. If you try to play with too much of it at once, you'll forget about it, and it'll dry out and get all gross."