New Content - Implemented Feb 2018 IotM - Fortune Teller (Clan VIP room)

Here you go. It did result in setting _clanFortuneBuffUsed=true, and _clanFortuneConsultUses=3.

I see a pwdhash in there, I guess I have to log out before posting...

> fortune buff item

class net.sourceforge.kolmafia.request.ClanLoungeRequest
Visiting Fortune Teller in clan VIP lounge
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ResponseText has 3169 characters.
{"playerid":"1486285","name":"coyotik","hardcore":"0","ascensions":"15","path":"0","sign":"Opossum","roninleft":"0","casual":"0","drunk":"21","full":"0","turnsplayed":"740158","familiar":"267","hp":"6720","mp":"664","meat":"472534231","adventures":"144","level":"63","rawmuscle":"15123869","rawmysticality":"7153342","rawmoxie":"6626880","basemuscle":"3888","basemysticality":"2674","basemoxie":"2574","familiarexp":400,"class":"1","lastadv":{"id":"39","name":"The Dungeons of Doom","link":"adventure.php?snarfblat=39","container":"da.php"},"title":"63","pvpfights":"100","maxhp":6720,"maxmp":3482,"spleen":"0","muscle":4477,"mysticality":3482,"moxie":3352,"famlevel":30,"locked":false,"limitmode":0,"daysthisrun":"1354","equipment":{"hat":"8701","shirt":"9843","pants":"6860","weapon":"7024","offhand":"9133","acc1":"9990","acc2":"6617","acc3":"896","container":"5738","familiarequip":"9940","fakehands":0,"cardsleeve":0},"stickers":["3509","3509","3509"],"soulsauce":0,"fury":"5","pastathrall":0,"pastathralllevel":1,"folder_holder":["21","19","22","00","00"],"eleronkey":"43efcb1bf3468c7482b6ef09768b1fb1","flag_config":{"noinvpops":0,"fastdecking":"1","devskills":0,"shortcharpane":0,"lazyinventory":0,"compactfights":0,"poppvpsearch":0,"questtracker":0,"charpanepvp":0,"australia":0,"fffights":"1","compactchar":0,"noframesize":0,"fullnesscounter":"1","nodevdebug":0,"noquestnudge":"1","nocalendar":0,"alwaystag":"1","clanlogins":0,"quickskills":"1","hprestorers":"1","hidejacko":0,"anchorshelf":"1","showoutfit":"1","wowbar":"1","swapfam":0,"hidefamfilter":0,"invimages":"1","showhandedness":0,"acclinks":"1","invadvancedsort":"1","powersort":0,"autodiscard":0,"unfamequip":0,"invclose":0,"sellstuffugly":"1","oneclickcraft":0,"dontscroll":0,"multisume":0,"threecolinv":"1","profanity":"1","tc_updatetitle":0,"tc_alwayswho":0,"tc_times":"1","tc_combineallpublic":0,"tc_eventsactive":0,"tc_hidebadges":0,"tc_colortabs":0,"tc_modifierkey":0,"tc_tabsonbottom":0,"chatversion":0,"aabosses":"1","compacteffects":0,"slimhpmpdisplay":0,"ignorezonewarnings":0,"whichpenpal":"1","compactmanuel":0,"hideefarrows":0,"questtrackertiny":0,"questtrackerscroll":0,"disablelovebugs":0,"eternalmrj":0,"autoattack":"3","topmenu":0},"recalledskills":1,"freedralph":1,"mcd":"10","pwd":"ea5547561a9c9e20f99fe3a9115a65bc","rollover":1541820603,"turnsthisrun":376414,"familiar_wellfed":0,"intrinsics":[],"familiarpic":"catburglar","pathname":"","effects":{"ac32e95f470a7e0999863fa0db58d808":["Empathy",474,"empathy","skill:2009","50"],"63e73adb3ecfb0cbf544db435eeeaf00":["Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric",386,"fatleons","skill:6010","67"],"06e123f9b46d3d180c97efc5ab0ad150":["Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation",350,"cantata","skill:6016","163"],"59a1ac48440e1ea1f869f2b37753f9cc":["Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance",315,"urkels","skill:6017","164"],"5e788aac76c7451c42ce19d2acf6de18":["Musk of the Moose",15,"stench","skill:1019","166"],"5ac8444ac684a7f9113690c1f254c1e4":["Singer's Faithful Ocelot",39,"ocelot","skill:88","1193"],"e2c20a6b5f99d594264e60b9aff4e14b":["Pride of the Puffin",5,"trophy","skill:1040",1367],"91635be2834f8a07c8ff9e3b47d2e43a":["On the Trail",34,"snout",null,331]}}
class net.sourceforge.kolmafia.request.ClanFortuneRequest
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Field: Cookie = [PHPSESSID=3dg8fmgoop5nbuisu07qfip847; AWSALB=lawhN1oiP94dfCxf8TXQIzX1YJR9Jfky3By8JBmdmCJ9CCB5Idog6JuZr/CnXoAXriXO3+cwKXJKxBSPeVWEQ+hvpHOTnLnLumPnm7C6KHlo4zc3Skfw8dVUqZCt]
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Thank you. I tested it, and before this update, love potion simply did not show up in the maximizer at all and had to be manually handled. Now it shows up incorrectly.

The love potion I summoned has these stats
[COLOR=blue][B]Muscle -42
Mysticality -54
Moxie -60
Maximum HP -30%
Maximum MP +20%[/B][/COLOR]

It shows up in maximizer for "mus" as giving +105 to muscle. when in fact it gives -42.
105 is the maximum possible bonus for muscle. (it varies from -98 to +105)

also i tried the other stats. it shows +102 for mys (range -102 to +102 according to wiki)
and it shows +105 for mox (range -100 to 105 according to wiki)
it shows up on HP and MP maximizer as well.

So yea, it just shows up as maximum potion value in maximizer instead of the potion you actually have
Last edited:
Did you summon it bwfore using this version? In that case it would have no lovePotion preference set which would give those values?
After playing around with it for an hour or so, I am not going to support learning the preference in any other way.

If the number appeared in the description that'd be one thing, but appearing only in the inventory list and not in the item itself is a pain. We wouldn't want to load inventory just to grab the name. And I don't want to reverse engineer the number from the enchantments!

You'll have to live with it being incorrect until you next summon one!
Did you summon it bwfore using this version? In that case it would have no lovePotion preference set which would give those values?
I did summon before this version, this explains it.
Now that I ascended and summoned a new one it works just fine. Thank you.

And yes, there is really no good reason to change this just for such an edge case that solves itself.
Last edited:
Results of using the boxes:

10476	rubber doll head	592150148	rubberbabyhead.gif	usable	t	0
# Item rubber doll head
You acquire an item: rubber doll head

10477	rubber doll body	833926717	rubberbabybody.gif	none	t	0
# Item rubber doll body
You acquire an item: rubber doll body
10478	plastic doll arms	310790003	rubberbabyarms.gif	none	t	0
# Item plastic doll arms
You acquire an item: plastic doll arms
10479	plastic doll legs	881534687	rubberbabylegs.gif	none	t	0
# Item plastic doll legs
You acquire an item: plastic doll legs

use 1 rubber doll head
10480	rubber baby doll	455517746	rubberbaby.gif	offhand		0
rubber baby doll	0	none
# Item rubber baby doll: Deals 13 <font color=gray>Spooky Damage</font> to your enemies every round
You acquire an item: rubber baby doll
Revision 19787 adds items and concoctions and marks the Mysterious Boxes as usable. Not multi-usable, alas.
Is this done? Considering the last post before the Mysterious Box changes was over a year ago, I think yes.
Looks like it. Also the boxes are once again not opening when used just in case there's further changes needed to support them only being openable on the 29th of January.
We could add some code in UseItemRequest for the four types of mysterious box to recognize that the "use" failed if you didn't get an item and to not remove the box from inventory. That is a "correctness" thing, but pretty unimportant, to my eye.
You're obviously discussing it but the Creatable section of the Item Manager menu shows the doll parts as being, well, creatable when you have a mysterious box in your inventory and that is no longer the case. Trying to create it gives "Using 1 Mysterious [colour] Box doesn't make anything interesting." in the gCLI.

Very minor and not sure if it's worth making a change for, but there you go.
Revision 19793 recognizes failure message for using a Mysterious Box and does not remove it from inventory. It also comments out the concoctions for using a Mysterious Box to get doll parts.
Results of using the boxes:

10476    rubber doll head    592150148    rubberbabyhead.gif    usable    t    0
# Item rubber doll head
You acquire an item: rubber doll head

10477    rubber doll body    833926717    rubberbabybody.gif    none    t    0
# Item rubber doll body
You acquire an item: rubber doll body
10478    plastic doll arms    310790003    rubberbabyarms.gif    none    t    0
# Item plastic doll arms
You acquire an item: plastic doll arms
10479    plastic doll legs    881534687    rubberbabylegs.gif    none    t    0
# Item plastic doll legs
You acquire an item: plastic doll legs

use 1 rubber doll head
10480    rubber baby doll    455517746    rubberbaby.gif    offhand        0
rubber baby doll    0    none
# Item rubber baby doll: Deals 13 <font color=gray>Spooky Damage</font> to your enemies every round
You acquire an item: rubber baby doll
huh, they actually implemented them...

and dammit. I missed it this year and will need to wait almost a year to open them.