Feature Idea - Separate Facial Expressions & AT songs in mood setup


So this isn't really a request, which is why it isn't going in that section. Consider it a trial balloon - something I'm interested in but is probably more complicated than I suspect.

So basically I'd like there to be a separation of facial expressions & songs in the mood setup portion of the Adventure tab in the main interface. Something similar to how CHIT separates them out, so that, at a glance, I can tell what facial expression or AT songs my mood is set up for. For example, it could let me know at a glance that I'm trying to run 5 AT songs at once, or both Wry Smile & Disco Leer. Both of which would be firmly under the category of "a bad idea".

What say you, folks? Is this something that I should request as a feature, or am I just being lazy and greedy?
It might help just to add the music note and face unicode character next to the buff name like we do in the skills pane.