Farming ancient hot dog wrappers


New member
Hello, I am looking for some advice on how to accomplish this task.

I am currently on a basement level, repeatedly fighting the same Ghost of Fernswarthy's Grandfather. I have my combat script set to throw fat stacks of cash. I just let it go to the found limit, heal with Universal recovery, and try again.

Using mafia's adventure pane to automate this for an arbitrary number of adventures doesn't seem to work, so I have been using the relay browser, clicking "script" in the combat action bar to active the combat script.

Is there a way to make mafia "fight" this one combat over and over again? Even better if I can set an item goal like I can when I normally use automated adventures.



Staff member
Why are you throwing fat stacks of cash? Don't you have to actually kill the monster?

Maybe you were confused by the wiki's listing of the normal drop right below the monster's fumble message?