New Content - Implemented FantasyRealm (Apr 2018 IotM)

9867	hero's skull	923392362	heroskull.gif	none	q	0
Item	hero's skull	Lasts Until Rollover
9855	to-go brew	571713150	togocup.gif	none	q	0
Item	to-go brew	Lasts Until Rollover
Paste together into:
9880	Potion of Heroism	782589344	heroskull.gif	multiple	t,d	25
Item	Potion of Heroism	Effect: "Heroic Fortune", Effect Duration: 10
2398	Heroic Fortune	heroskull.gif	c438930d6f7016e2c7f015cbe036f901	use 1 Potion of Heroism
# Effect Heroic Fortune: Fantasyrealm enemies drop 1 additional Rubee
It would be great to add a [spend] link to the Rubee in the inventory and in the adventure pane.

<a href=shop.php?whichshop=fantasyrealm>[spend]</a>
1280 - Welcome to FantasyRealm
1: I'll be a Warrior
2: I'll be a Mage
3: I'll be a Rogue
6: I'll get back to you

1281 - You'll See You at the Crossroads
1: The Towering Mountains
2: The Mystic Wood
3: The Putrid Swamp
4: Cursed Village
5: The Sprawling Cemetery
8: Leave for now

1282 - Out of Range
1: Unlock the mine
2: Head into the deep cave
3: Head to the Master Thief's Chalet
4: Hold aloft your orb
5: Head to the Ogre Chieftain's Keep
10: Press the big red button
11: Leave for now

1283 - Where Wood You Like to Go
1: Head toward the... sigh... faerie cyrkle
2: Go to the campsite
5: Grab a mushroom
10: Press the big red button

1284 - Swamped with Leisure
1: Go towards the witch's house
2: Unlock the Troll Fortress
3: Head toward the Dragon' Moor
5: Pick the nasty marshmallow
10: Press the big red button
11: Leave for now

1285 - It Takes a Cursed Village
1: Head to the cathedral
2: Head to the thieves guild
3: Head to the Archwizard's tower
4: Visit the fortune teller
5: Dive into the wishing well (requires a FantasyRealm rope)
6: Visit the blacksmith
7: Visit the notary's office
10: Press the big red button
11: Leave for now

1286 - Resting in Peace
1: Plunge into the Labyrinthine Crypt
2: Head toward the Barrow Mounds
3: Set out for the Vampire Chateau
4: Rob some graves
5: Examine the curious tombstone
10: Press the big red button
11: Leave for now

1288 - What's Yours is Yours
1: Raid the Rubee cart
2: Mine the ore
3: Look through the mining equipment
6: Leave for now

1289 - A Warm Place
1: Open the chest
2: Search the rubble
3: Head toward the volcano
6: Leave for now

1290 - The Cyrkle Is Compleat
1: Get a faerie blessing
2: Take some faerie dust with you
3: Go to the Spider Queen's Lair
6: Leave for now

1291 - Dudes, Where's My Druids?
2: Make a poisoned s'more
3: Look under the fire
6: Leave for now

1292 - Witch One You Want?
2: Get a special brew
3: Get a to-go brew
4: Look under the witch's mattress
6: Leave for now

1293 - Altared States
3: Pray for refreshment
4: Take some holy water

1294 - Neither a Barrower Nor a Lender Be
3: Dig through to the ghoul king's catacomb
6: Leave for now

1295 - Honor Among You
2: Check out the cabinet
6: Leave for now

1296 - For Whom the Bell Trolls
1: Ring the bell
2: Take the haunch
4: Pry the giant Rubee from the statue

1297 - Stick to the Crypt
1: Grab a skull
2: Break open an urn
3: Grab the document
6: Leave for now

1298 - The "Phoenix"
6: Leave for now

1299 - Stop Dragon Your Feet
1: Grip your sword and charge it

1300 - Just Vamping
1: Succumb
2: Sucumb
6: Don't succumb

1301 - Now You've Spied Her
1: Fight her

1302 - Don't Be Arch
1: Fight him
2: Fight him
6: Leave for now

1304 - He Is the Ghoul King, He Can Do Anything
1: Fight him

1305 - The Brogre's Progress
1: Give him the drugged s'more
2: Fight him
6: Leave for now

1307 - It Takes a Thief
1: Serve the warrant
2: Fight him
6: Leave for now
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Here's what I could find in my logs that wasn't listed yet:

Encounter: Witch One You Want?
Took choice 1292/3: Get a to-go brew
You acquire an item: to-go brew

Encounter: Altared States
Took choice 1293/3: Pray for refreshment
You acquire an item: sanctified cola

Encounter: What's Yours is Yours
Took choice 1288/3: Look through the mining equipment
You acquire an item: grolblin rum

Encounter: For Whom the Bell Trolls
Took choice 1296/2: Take the haunch
You acquire an item: nasty haunch

9864	nasty haunch	783166866	fr_haunch.gif	none	q	0
Item	nasty haunch	Lasts Until Rollover
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More stuff:
New monster #2073 found in Manuel with name 'barrow wraith?' image 'darkness.gif' attributes ='Atk: 150 Def: 150 HP: 99999 Init: 100 P: construct'
New monster #2078 found in Manuel with name 'Sewage Treatment Dragon' image 'fr_dragon.gif' attributes ='Atk: 300 Def: 300 HP: 300 Init: 100 E: stench P: construct'
New monster #2083 found in Manuel with name 'Ghoul King' image 'fr_ghoulking.gif' attributes ='Atk: 400 Def: 400 HP: 700 Init: -10000 P: humanoid'

Zone 520:
Ah, The Dragon's Moor! I have a number of species that thrive in outdoor environments!

9851	dragon aluminum ore	319227011	dragonore.gif	none	q	0
Item	dragon aluminum ore	Lasts Until Rollover
9884	Dragonscale breastplate	910955074	fr_breastplate.gif	shirt		0
Dragonscale breastplate	200	Mus: 40
Item	Dragonscale breastplate	Muscle: +15, Muscle Percent: +25, Spooky Resistance: +3, Stench Resistance: +3, Hot Resistance: +3, Cold Resistance: +3, Sleaze Resistance: +3
137	FantasyRealm Warrior's Outfit	frtat1.gif	Dragonscale breastplate, The Ghoul King's ghoulottes
Outfit	FantasyRealm Warrior's Outfit	Weapon Damage Percent: +100
9886	The Ghoul King's ghoulottes	693897270	ghoulpants.gif	pants		0
The Ghoul King's ghoulottes	200	Mus: 40
Item	The Ghoul King's ghoulottes	Muscle: +15, Muscle Percent: +25, Maximum HP: +100, Single Equip
9896	dragon slaying sword	566900199	fr_sword.gif	weapon	q	0
dragon slaying sword	50	Mus: 0	1-handed sword
# Item dragon slaying sword: Kills dragons, probably
Item	dragon slaying sword	Lasts Until Rollover
9887	nozzle of the Phoenix	918511312	phoenixnozzle.gif	offhand		0
nozzle of the Phoenix	200	Mys: 40
Item	nozzle of the Phoenix	Mysticality: +15, Mysticality Percent: +25, Hot Spell Damage: +50
9888	the Archwizard's briefs	445692233	wizardbriefs.gif	pants		0
the Archwizard's briefs	200	Mys: 40
Item	the Archwizard's briefs	Mysticality: +15, Mysticality Percent: +25, Maximum MP: +100
9885	belt of Ogrekind	193591669	ogrebelt.gif	accessory		0
belt of Ogrekind	200	Mus: 40
Item	belt of Ogrekind	Muscle: +15, Muscle Percent: +25, Experience (Muscle): +5, Single Equip
9891	ring of the Skeleton Lord	908662382	skeletonring.gif	accessory		0
ring of the Skeleton Lord	300	Mox: 50
Item	ring of the Skeleton Lord	Mysticality Percent: +50, Meat Drop: +50, Item Drop: +25, Single Equip
9889	the Ley Incursion's waist	273684319	leywaist.gif	accessory		0
the Ley Incursion's waist	200	Mys: 40
Item	the Ley Incursion's waist	Mysticality: +15, Mysticality Percent: +25, Experience (Mysticality): +5, Single Equip
9856	flask of holy water	930135959	flask.gif	none	q	0
Item	flask of holy water	Lasts Until Rollover
9847	Chewsick Copperbottom's notes	550978069	blacknotebook.gif	none	q	0
Item	Chewsick Copperbottom's notes	Lasts Until Rollover
9865	Cheswick Copperbottom's compass	296241510	uvcompass.gif	none	q	0
Item	Cheswick Copperbottom's compass	Lasts Until Rollover
9854	druidic orb	778032399	druidorb.gif	offhand	q	0
druidic orb	0	none
Item	druidic orb	Lasts Until Rollover
9895	charged druidic orb	571306417	druidorb2.gif	offhand	q	0
charged druidic orb	0	none
Item	charged druidic orb	Lasts Until Rollover
9853	poisoned druidic s'more	332874033	smore.gif	none	q	0
Item	poisoned druidic s'more	Lasts Until Rollover
9866	arrest warrant	265184746	document.gif	none	q	0
Item	arrest warrant	Lasts Until Rollover
9897	notarized arrest warrant	208330367	document.gif	none	q	0
# Item notarized arrest warrant: Now it actually counts
Item	notarized arrest warrant	Lasts Until Rollover

2391	Poison For Blood	poison.gif	b1cff2cbb39833e32a059909ee9d784b
Effect	Poison For Blood	Muscle Percent: -90, Mysticality Percent: -90, Moxie Percent: -90

Missing locations and their snarfblats:

The Druidic Campsite - 512
The Evil Cathedral - 514
The Troll Fortress - 517
Duke Vampire's Chateau - 521
The Ogre Chieftain's Keep - 527
The Master Thief's Chalet - 522
Also needed for locations is the environment (indoor/outdoor/underground, I think Florist Friar is the easiest way to check that).
New monster #2070 found in Manuel with name 'druid plants' image 'fr_druidplant.gif' attributes ='Atk: 150 Def: 150 HP: 300 Init: -10000 P: plant'
New monster #2084 found in Manuel with name 'Ogre Chieftain' image 'fr_ogrechieftain.gif' attributes ='Atk: 300 Def: 700 HP: 500 Init: -10000 P: humanoid'

Campsite and Keep are outdoors.
Adding new location: The Lair of the Phoenix - adventure.php?snarfblat=519
(underground location)

New monster #2072 found in Manuel with name 'plywood cultists' image 'fr_cultist.gif' attributes ='Atk: 150 Def: 150 HP: 100 Init: -10000 P: construct'
New monster #2075 found in Manuel with name 'swamp troll' image 'fr_troll.gif' attributes ='Atk: 150 Def: 150 HP: 300 Init: -10000 P: construct'
New monster #2077 found in Manuel with name '"Phoenix"' image 'fr_phoenix.gif' attributes ='Atk: 300 Def: 300 HP: 200 Init: 300 E: hot P: elemental'
New monster #2081 found in Manuel with name 'Archwizard' image 'fr_archwizard.gif' attributes ='Atk: 500 Def: 200 HP: 100 Init: 300 E: cold P: dude'
New monster #2082 found in Manuel with name 'Ley Incursion' image 'fr_leyanomaly.gif' attributes ='Atk: 400 Def: 300 HP: 500 Init: 1000 P: elemental'
Missing item:
9894	Staff of Kitchen Royalty	311472250	slordstaff.gif	weapon		0
Staff of Kitchen Royalty	10	Mys: 200	1-handed chefstaff
Item	Staff of Kitchen Royalty	Spell Damage Percent: +200, MP Regen Min: 30, MP Regen Max: 40, Moxie Percent: +50, Adventures: +4, PvP Fights: +4
Missing location:
The Ghoul King's Catacomb - snarfblat 526

Missing recipes:
denastified haunch (cooking): faerie dust + nasty haunch

bad rum and good cola (mixing/cocktailcrafting): grolblin rum + sanctified cola
New monster #2087 found in Manuel with name 'Skeleton Lord' image 'skeletonlord.gif' attributes ='Atk: 300 Def: 300 HP: 200 Init: -10000 P: construct'
Drops the shield, ring or scepter of the Skeleton Lord depending on the class outfit worn to fight.
Unknown item found: druidic s'more (9869, 303021917)
9869 druidic s'more 303021917 smore.gif food t 0
druidic s'more 2 4 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item druidic s'more
r18585 adds support for Expert-Corner Cutter (untested).

Are we missing anything other than the ingredients for Staff of Kitchen Royalty ?