Familiar Feeder

Another easy suggestion. I'd appreciate the title at the top of the page being a link to this thread. :) Don't forget "target='_new'". :)
[size=+1]New version: Familiar Feeder 0.4 beta[/size]

Lots of new things! Check out the first post for updates: jC's and Zarqon's requests have been implemented, some logic has been fixed.

I need help with HTML/CSS stuff - I can't get the 'Keep Stuff' section to be the same size as the 'Feed Stuff' one. That, and I think my HTML structure is an out of date mess.

I also need people to tell me how they would like item info to be presented: the current way seems a little bit of a clutter, but I'm hesitant to use more color.

EDIT: Zarqon, I tried turning the script's name into a link, but I can't get it to appear white. Could Someone look at lines 616 and 658 and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
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I'm not sure what went wrong, but in the new version the "Feedable Items" area includes creatable items instead of the ones I have in my inventory, which are no where to be seen. But as I only have a "Feed Stuff" area, I can use those either. In other words, the new version is completely unusable for me. I hope my explanation goes through the alcohol fumes.
Now there's only the "Feedable Items", which includes you current and creatable items, like Mafia's food/booze/spleen manager. Next to each item, there's (X possible, Y current) which indicates you can create X of an item, and have Y in your inventory.

In the "Feed Stuff" section:
  • Feed All Current - feed the quantity you have in your inventory (nothing is created).
  • Feed All Current But One - feed the quantity you have in your inventory minus one (nothing is created).
  • Feed All -feed as many as possible (items are created if needed)
  • Feed quantity - feed the quantity specified (items are created if needed)

Keep in mind this is an ascension-oriented script, I know using this in aftercore with a big inventory would be mildly overwhelming.

EDIT: and of course, all those quantities DO NOT take into account the items you choose to keep. In theory at least (as long as this is marked a beta).
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I was a bit too drunk yesterday to notice that change. However, that's not the main problem.
But none of my current items show in the list. I have at least 20 items in my inventory that can be fed.
Could you tell me what feedable familiars you have, and what items didn't show up? I guess it's simply a matter of configuring Feed_keep.txt, but maybe not.

One thing that the script is being perhaps too conservative about is hiding items that are in your inventory, but have an item to keep as their ingredients. For example, I put the cocktailcrafting garnishes in the default Feed_keep.txt, with a quantity of -1 to indicate that all garnishes should be kept (coconut shells for examples won't be considered when the script is looking for items to feed to your slimeling). If you also own a Hobo Spirit, Advanced Cocktails and Superhuman Cocktails will never show up either, because they have garnishes for ingredients, and nothing that can be made from them is considered.

I did the same thing for spices and noodles, if you have a GGG.

I decided to filter things like this because this is an ascension-oriented script, and I think anyone in HC/Ronin would like SHCs and reagent pasta to be filtered out.

I added a way to add stuff to keep, but I need a way to show the list of things to keep in order to make configuration easier. Or the script could check for HC/Ronin and only filter out items in that case. I don't see myself regenerating MP with those familiars in aftercore though.
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In that case, your filtering should also take into account a couple more things, if it doesn't already:

1) Pathed runs -- can_drink() and can_eat() would be what you want for that. There's no need to save cocktailcrafting garnishes on a Teet run.
2) vars["is_100_run"] -- if you're doing a 100% run with one of the familiars, any considerations that factor in feeding things to one of the other familiars should be ignored. In other words, the script should basically consider have_familiar() to be false for the owned-but-never-going-to-be-used familiars. I'd recommend a wrapper function for have_familiar().

EDIT: I just updated this, and had the same problem -- all my current items disappeared, it's only showing createables. I have all three familiars, running latest daily, current script and data file.
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Woops, a ! turned into a =, effectively filtering out inventory items. I'm not good at maintaining a biggish script. Let's hope I learn faster =)

I added Zarqon's suggestions for pathed runs. I didn't think of 100% runs... I guess I'll add that to the next update.
Muhandes: That's what happens when you update the script twice in the same day... sorry!
Just type _version_slimeling_feeder = 0.41 beta in the gCLI.

EDIT: I don't remember now, and I can check: Mafia never shows (0 possible, X current) ? It only shows (X current)? That easy to change.
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Mafia includes current in possible, so if current is nonzero, so is possible. (possible >= current)
Oh, mine just shows how many you can craft, and how many you have. I'll change that in the next version. Thanks again!
I like it! All is working well. I'm in the middle of a Slimeling run so this has come in very handy! Thanks for writing and sharing it.
[size=+1]New version: Familiar Feeder 0.5 beta[/size]

  • Added an Items to Keep section, so items can be removed from the To Keep list (or their quantities changed).
  • Removed items that have a meat stack as one of their ingredients from the Feedable Items section, since they don't give MP. The script also looks recursively at all the ingredients, since apparently items like Gnollish autoplungers also count as meat stack items.

Please report any issue you might have, or things that don't add up.
Could someone also confirm that items made from dense meat stacks don't creat slime stacks (and add MP charges)?
New (small) update:
  • I was using !can_drink() instead of !can_eat() to remove food from stuff to keep
  • Added a few ascension relevant items to the default keep list (enchanted bean, glass of goat's milk, spooky mushroom, some more +ML stuff, drums and guitars for the Lair, hats for the +damage hatter buff...)
  • Added some logic to remove some items to keep from the list: only the hat/drum/guitar that you already have that has the worst meat/mp ratio is kept, the rest can be fed.
W00t i got me a slimeling for my KoLaversary. so now i can use this.. the problem is that i have no idea how the slimeling works. Is there a way you can make like a mini-guide