Familiar Collector/Ascension Familiar Chooser


This is a relay script I decided to write in order to help choose which familiar to take on my next run.

It lists familiars, whether you have them, and their best run in a html SORTABLE table.

I guess its kind of like the familiar section of snapshot but without having to use bcc's server.

css and js are hotlinked on one of my own servers, just so this can be distributed as a single file.

Requires htmlform.ash by jasonharper

put relay_familiars.ash in your relay folder, and htmlform.ash in your scripts folder


hmm, I wonder about porting the whole of snapshot to a relay script.... would anyone be happy to see that? (With bcc's permission of course! :P)


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This sounded quite interesting since I need to eventually do some 100% runs.

htmlform.ash could not be found (relay_familiars.ash, line 1)

Could you please upload the other script you are using for this? It would help others.



I'm just going to leave this link here for others. I've never done relay scripting, so I didn't have jason's script.

Script works nicely. Good Job.
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hmm, I wonder about porting the whole of snapshot to a relay script.... would anyone be happy to see that? (With bcc's permission of course! :P)

That could actually be rather interesting and would help those that do not want their data shared with anyone but themselves.
The original script by matt.chugg does not work due to a broken link.

Here's an (experimental) rewrite in JS. It works with KoLmafia r20550 and above, so it won't work with the current EXE release (v20.7).
I expect it work work for 20.8 (if it ever gets released) or later.

Install with:
svn checkout https://github.com/pastelmind/100familiars/branches/release
I actually use a much updated version, I fully intended on adding functionality for lots of other informaitonal things such as skills, trophys, outfits etc but havn't really had much time

heres a zip of the project as it stands, just with familiars, some ideas for your version here as I likely will never get this finished particularily the clickable filters at the top

The JS for scripting is quite interesting, I've been meaning to check it out, maybe i'll get around to working on this again

also get this error with your version:

Unknown familiar name: Li'l Xenomorph
Unknown    familiar name: Rockin' Robin
Unknown    familiar name: Lil' Barrel Mimic

