Feature Familiar attributes


Staff member
Here is a line from familiars.txt:

Emberiza Aureola emberbird.gif combat1 ember egg tiny ember 0 1 2 3 sentient,organic,haseyes,hasbones,hasclaws,haswings,flies,hot,hasbeak,animal

Interesting. I have questions.

1) I assume these are KoL "attributes".
1a) Do we know all the attributes?
1b) How do we learn the "attributes" for a particular familiar?
1c) I see familiars with 1 attribute - and others with many attributes.
For the familiars which have (one or more attributes), is the data complete?
(See 1b: if not, how can we complete them?)
2) Why are they listed in this order? Why not have them sorted alphabetically, say, so if I (a human) look for a particular attribute, I can move my eyes to the appropriate place, rather than having to scan the whole string?
As I understand it:
1) Yes, these are KoL tags inherent to each familiar
1a) We know most of them, and the new Path (Z is for Zootomist) has made them much easier to spade
1b) In Zoot path, each tag corresponds to certain attributes, see the Zoot spading sheet
1c) Yes, Familiars have varying number of tags
Yes, those are tags. The order is the order they appear ingame, if we can get it. For zootomist, the order defines the order the enchantments appear on the Nipple casts.

    [id] => 103
    [type] => Pair of Ragged Claws
    [name] => Snails
    [picture] => raggedclaws
    [cagematch] => 1
    [scavenger] => 1
    [obstacle] => 1
    [hideseek] => 1
    [petrock] => 0
    [tags] => Array
            [0] => undead
            [1] => object
            [2] => hashands
            [3] => hasclaws
            [4] => haslegs
            [5] => fast
            [6] => evil


We learnt the names of most of the attributes while doing stillsuit spading when cannon told us.

Zootomist deals with most tags, stillsuit with all tags. Some of the pokefam have an extra tag which determines their ultimate.