Feature Extended Organ Grinder information


Forgive me if this exists and I didn't see it.

1> Would it be possible to add to "x parts" the number of parts needed until the next pie? such as "x/5 parts" for the first pie, etc.

2> Is there a property that tracks what type of pie is queued up? That would be nice to track, and it would help for times when you have a boss pie lined up but are saving it for the next day (the part rolls over, despite the counter resetting).


1) wouldn't be too hard to add if it weren't for the microwave stogie. Do we know exactly how it works? Do you need to have it equipped when the last pie part drops only?

2) isn't tracked at all by Mafia, currently.


1) wouldn't be too hard to add if it weren't for the microwave stogie. Do we know exactly how it works? Do you need to have it equipped when the last pie part drops only?

I think equipping the stogie just gives a flat -5 to the amount needed for the next pie. So, pie #2 normally takes 10 parts. I believe if you have 6 parts and then equip the stogie, it'll drop on part 7, then reset the counter. I can test that after rollover, but I think that's how it works.


Active member
Having the stogie equipped is required only on the turns when the pie drops. I am pretty sure I checked that for the first three pies. (where the first pie is the one that doesn't care about stogie).
- equip any other fam item
- fight 5 turns
- get first pie
- fight 4 turns
- switch to stogie
- fight 1 turn
- get second pie


r11113 implements 1).

It simply substracts 5 (if applicable) if you have the stoogie currently equipped. If you remove the stoogie before getting the pie, you will have to spend the normal amount of turns, right?

I don't think I'm going to do 2) anytime soon, so I'm going to leave this open. Or maybe I should track down an old feature request just like this one and merge the threads...


r11513 by DoctorRotelle tracks part consumption by monster element.

It would now be a relatively minor bit of work to parse the pieStuffing preference and produce the type of pie that will be created.

Shall we mark this feature as implemented since this is enough information for the user to deduce it, or wait until someone wants to implement that logic?