Feature - Implemented Expanding the channel parameter for chatbotScript


First of all - not quite what you think. You probably think I want to ask for /trade and /hardcore and all those public channels to be added. Nope.

What I'd like to see is /hobopolis and /slimetube to be added. I help maintain and build a bot for my clan, using mafia, and I wish to expand its functions a bit to include basement stuff, but a lot of this is not currently possible. As an example, I want my bot to be able to count the number of thrown tires in Burnbarrel Blvd. This would help multiple players coordinate without...actually speaking to one another. Okay, that sounds horrible - after all, Hobopolis is supposed to be the most cooperative area of the game. But I think you get the point I never quite made.

Additional super-awesome extra bonus feature: another "channel" for all green messages - whether that be updates, or new k-mail notifications. I can see so much use for this, it hurts my rods and cones.

Whether or not this gets implemented, I just want to state that the original addition of the channel parameter was quite possibly my favorite change to mafia ever. So thank you for that.
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This sounds awesome. I'd write the patch myself if Java didn't make my blood boil.
This would be good alone, but if we could somehow get the "Dungeon"s speech as well, that'd be kickass (unless you were implicitly requesting this originally).

coordinate without...actually speaking to one another
I hate communication getting in the way of coordination.

Additional super-awesome extra bonus feature: another "channel" for all green messages
Not so sure about this one. I mean, I suppose if you're adding stuff, sure, why not, but remember that we have no way to choose which channels invoke the script (currently, if a third string is passed, then you opt in for all approved non-pm messages) so even though you could terminate the script by simply looking at the channel name, it's still getting called.
r9805. Since three parameter scripts already generally do a check for "/", it's only a small change to check for "/clan", etc. I don't think this will get in people's way, and is also very useful for me. Dungeon comes up as a player, so is the first argument. Dungeon (#917625) is also a player, but is a) not in a clan, and b) inactive. If she logs in, joins a clan, and starts adventuring, thereby breaking someone's script... let me know and I'll pop in an exception.