Bug - Fixed Exotic Parrot Egg not listed as buyable from Black Market


Active member
Unless I'm checking this wrong, but...
> npc_price forged identification

Returned: 5000

> npc_price exotic parrot egg

Returned: 0
The other items available from the Black Market all show up with npc_price. I was looking through a list of unbought familiars and noticed that the Exotic Parrot wasn't showing up and that made me curious... It's untradable, but buyable from the BM anytime you have 500k gold to spend.


Staff member
Actually, a little more investigation shows that we also reject an item if you don't have enough Meat to afford it. That doesn't seem right.

On the other hand, I wonder if other parts of KoLmafia - like HP/MP recovery - depend on that behavior. I looked at RecoveryManager, and it checks to see if the NPCStoreDatabase "contains" a particular recovery item - the same check that npc_price() uses - but then does its own check on available Meat to see what it can afford.

Revision 10165 should fix your problem. Lets see if it causes problems elsewhere.