Bug - Not A Bug excludes keyword for maps?


I recently got a bunch of errors in cc_ascend's cc_util.ash about parentheses mismatch, but it looks like mafia doesn't like the "excludes" keyword all over that file. Making a small test:

if($monsters[Animated Mahogany Nightstand] excludes $monster[goth giant]){ print('glorp'); }

Expected ), found excludes (test.ash, line 1)

Is the excludes keyword a real thing? Did it get removed recently?
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The only full-word operators in ASH are contains and remove, and the last change to ash operators was when "≈" was added 4 years ago (a feature of which I just learned!)
The word "excludes" looks to me like it appears three times in the Mafia source. All three are in comments in libraries.

So doesn't look like an ash thing.