[clan]JoeSchmoe: Blah blah blah
[COLOR="green"]Yo! You found a foon! Script complete![/COLOR]
[clan]MeMyselfI: Hey! I found a foon! My life's dream is acheived!
if (index_of(visit_url("http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=X"), "Y</b>") == -1)
Event("There is a new version available - go download the next version of snapshot.ash at http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=X!");
string announce = true/*false*/;
void main() {
//Stuff which
//the script does
//and other stuff
if (announce == true)
Event("Script is done, check on the results")
print("Script is done, but you won't know that til you open the Cli, that is what you get for turning announce off")
The reason is that, as a user, I don't want popups. There will doubtless be scripts that I'd find useful, but for the inevitable and annoying popups. As a user, I'd vastly prefer the ability to suppress them.
I agree that the ability to suppress popups is good. I also agree that the ability to create popups is good. It's amusing that I approve of both views. I think if this feature is added to mafia, a preference to suppress popups (mafia's existing popup as well as popups created by this command) should be added as well. That would be a double-win.
if(can_equip($item[stainless steel shillelagh])){
if(user_confirm("You can now equip a stainless steel shillelagh! Wield it?")){
equip($item[stainless steel shillelagh]);}}
So overall you guys are giving this Thumbs Up, Right?