Bug Equipping custom outfit with pieces missing


When equipping a custom outfit with pieces missing, the Mafia says the outfit wasn't equipped, with the error that you can't equip all of it. However, it does equip all possessed pieces of the outfit, where the gear changer tab does not reflect this change.


Doing this in the relay browser works perfectly, no bug. (I closeted my pants so that they couldn't be equipped.) Mafia knows that the gear was changed. Here's the HTML output:

<center><div id="effdiv"><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Results:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><br />You put on part of an Outfit: <b>x</b><center><table><tr><td align=right>Item equipped:</td><td><img style='vertical-align: middle' class=hand src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/ring.gif' onclick='descitem(702786809)'> <b>shiny ring</b></td></tr><tr><td align=right>Item equipped:</td><td><img style='vertical-align: middle' class=hand src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/batbling.gif' onclick='descitem(994189224)'> <b>Boss Bat bling</b></td></tr><tr><td align=right>Item equipped:</td><td><img style='vertical-align: middle' class=hand src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/lighthalo.gif' onclick='descitem(256581155)'> <b>shining halo</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 height=2 bgcolor=black></td></tr><tr><td align=right>Item unequipped:</td><td><img style='vertical-align: middle' class=hand src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/spectacles.gif' onclick='descitem(595145462)'> <b>Lord Spookyraven's spectacles</b></td></tr><tr><td align=right>Item unequipped:</td><td><img style='vertical-align: middle' class=hand src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/transfunc.gif' onclick='descitem(488592577)'> <b>continuum transfunctioner</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 height=2 bgcolor=black></td></tr><tr><td align=right>Item <b>NOT</b> found:</td><td><img style='vertical-align: middle' class=hand src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/elitepants.gif' onclick='descitem(378095502)'> <b>Knob Goblin elite pants</b></td></tr></table></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></div><a name='top'></a>

Dong this in the gear changer produces the following CLI output:

Putting on outfit: x
[COLOR="#FF0000"]You only put on part of that outfit.[/COLOR]

Outfit in gear changer is not updated until I check it in the relay browser. Yep, definitely a bug here. The gear changer should work as well as the relay browser for outfit switching.


I'm also finding that the gear changer isn't equipping pieces which conflict with pieces in the existing outfit.

For instance, I have two rollover outfits: one for under 200 MYST, and one for over 200 MYST. If I try to change from one to the other with the memento and the watch in different slots, I get an error message saying "You can't equip a glow-in-the-dark wristwatch because you're already wearing a dead guy's memento [or vice-versa]." If the memento and the watch are in the same slot, it won't change from the watch to the memento when I change outfits.

The reason I sometimes change between these two outfits is because one has the plexiglass pocketwatch. But I have a sneaky suspicion that this bug applies to other outfit changes involving incompatible equipment as well.

I'm also finding that if I change an item in a custom outfit, the gear changer won't change back to that outfit. No error message, nothing in the cli, it just.does.nothing.
Last edited:


I tried with two outfits containing halos. Mafia printed in the gCLI the message issued by KoL:
[color=red]You can't equip a shining halo because you're already wearing a time halo.[/color]
KoL didn't switch the time halo for the shining halo, and neither did Mafia.
Dong this in the gear changer produces the following CLI output:

Putting on outfit: x
[COLOR="#FF0000"]You only put on part of that outfit.[/COLOR]

Outfit in gear changer is not updated until I check it in the relay browser. Yep, definitely a bug here. The gear changer should work as well as the relay browser for outfit switching.

Can you still duplicate this? I can't - with a custom outfit missing an item, the gear change properly displayed an error saying I was missing the item, and didn't switch over any of the other items. For a non-custom outfit where I had a part of the item closeted, the gear changer properly didn't even display that outfit as an option. I tried via the gcli and "outfit foo", as well, and got:

> outfit candy

Refreshing stash contents...
Stash list retrieved.
You need 1 more fouet de tortue-dressage to continue.
You need 1 more fouet de tortue-dressage to continue.

but again, none of the other parts of the outfit were equipped. May have gotten fixed in a commit at some point?


Can you still duplicate this?

It now tells me that I am missing an item. It will attempt to retrieve a new one. When I make a hot daub stand part of my outfit and then closet the hot daub stand it does this:

Verifying ingredients for hot daub stand (1)...
Verifying ingredients for hot daub (19)...
Creating 17 meat paste...
You acquire meat paste (17)
You lose 170 Meat
Successfully created meat paste (17)
You need 19 more molten brick to continue.

It cannot purchase bricks or it would have happily done so. I'm not sure that is really the optimal behavior, but it certainly is not the behavior reported in this thread. What revision changed this?
It now tells me that I am missing an item. It will attempt to retrieve a new one. When I make a hot daub stand part of my outfit and then closet the hot daub stand it does this:

It cannot purchase bricks or it would have happily done so. I'm not sure that is really the optimal behavior, but it certainly is not the behavior reported in this thread. What revision changed this?

Not sure. That sounds like a different bug, though - that the item acquisition routines aren't properly handling the cases where a sub-component is unobtainable. That one might not be avoidable, though, as presumably the item wass available in the mall when checked, but pulled from the mall before purchase?


The item acquisition routines are fine. It wasn't trying to purchase a hot daub stand for the same reason it wasn't purchasing the bricks. I was merely expressing doubt about trying to retrieve items missing from an outfit. That would be a feature request though. Back to the real question:

it certainly is not the behavior reported in this thread. What revision changed this?


Staff member
It cannot purchase bricks or it would have happily done so. I'm not sure that is really the optimal behavior, but it certainly is not the behavior reported in this thread. What revision changed this?
Revision 11100 said:
r11100 | veracity0 | 2012-06-08 11:04:32 -0400 (Fri, 08 Jun 2012) | 3 lines

When putting on an outfit, retrive the pieces for custom outfits as well as for
normal outfits
This means that you can keep outfit pieces in the closet (to protect them from Rinn, for example) and, if you have "retrieve from closet" checked, it will pull them out.


I see. Of course, since I did not have mafia set to automatically retrieve items from the closet, it was looking to retrieve the item with other methods. Is that intended behavior?


Staff member
Considering that it calls "retrieve_item()" to fetch each of the items in the outfit, I'd have to say that that is intended behavior; it just tries a little harder than formerly to put all the items from the outfit you saved into inventory so that putting on the outfit will succeed.

If you don't want KoLmafia to put on a custom outfit you have saved, don't tell it to put it on!