Bug - Waiting for Info Equipment all removed randomly during relay browser adventuring

This is completely unhelpful. You HAVE to give us more information if you want us to even begin to look into this. Does your session log say anything interesting?
So one thing I have noticed is that I logged in with a character, and in the "Gear Changer" slot, everything shows up as none until I click the refresh arrows on the left. Perhaps something isn't being parsed correctly?

Ok, this just happened to me.. I was logging out and logging in due to image cache reasons, and the equipment thing happened. All I did was to eat a fortune cookie
from the item manager, and suddenly kolmafia was removing all of my equipment. I still have the session up, so if I can provide you with any more details let me know.
This was version 12644

Installing default certificate validation...
Sending login request...
Initializing session for effing leader...
Refreshing session data...
Synchronizing moon data...
Loading character status...
Retrieving character data...
Refreshing closet...
Examining consumables in closet...
Examining equipment in closet...
Examining miscellaneous items in closet...
Updating inventory...
Retrieving quest data...
Retrieving familiar data...
Familiar data retrieved.
Retrieving campground data...
Refreshing storage...
Examining meat in storage...
Examining consumables in storage...
Examining equipment in storage...
Examining miscellaneous items in storage...
Session data refreshed.
Generic Summer Holiday tomorrow, Muscle bonus today and yesterday.
Using data override: data/mallprices.txt
52 prices updated from http://kolmafia.us/scripts/updateprices.php?action=getmap

> counters

Last semirare found 153 turns ago (on turn 807) in The Haunted Pantry

Unexpired counters:
Semirare window begin (7)
Semirare window end (47)

Visiting The Gnomish Micromicrobrewery...
Menu retrieved.
Purchasing fortune cookie (1 @ 40)...
You acquire an item: fortune cookie
You spent 40 Meat
Purchases complete.
Eating 1 fortune cookie...
You gain 1 Adventure
Lucky numbers: 116, 23, 48
Lucky number 116 ignored - too large to be a semirare.
Lucky number 48 ignored - too large to be a semirare.
Finished eating 1 fortune cookie.
Taking off ultimate ultimate frisbee...
Equipment changed.
Taking off Victor, the Insult Comic Hellhound Puppet...
Equipment changed.
Taking off dress pants...
Equipment changed.
Taking off Yearbook Club Camera...
Equipment changed.
Taking off astral mask...
Equipment changed.
Taking off lucky rabbit's foot...
Equipment changed.
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Ok, it happened again. This time I clicked in the relay browser on "The Hallowed Halls location". It unequipped all of my equipment right before the adventure itself:

Installing default certificate validation...
Sending login request...
Initializing session for effing leader...
Refreshing session data...
Synchronizing moon data...
Loading character status...
Retrieving character data...
Refreshing closet...
Examining consumables in closet...
Examining equipment in closet...
Examining miscellaneous items in closet...
Updating inventory...
Retrieving quest data...
Retrieving familiar data...
Familiar data retrieved.
Retrieving campground data...
Refreshing storage...
Examining meat in storage...
Examining consumables in storage...
Examining equipment in storage...
Examining miscellaneous items in storage...
Session data refreshed.
Generic Summer Holiday tomorrow, Muscle bonus today and yesterday.
Using data override: data/mallprices.txt
3 prices updated from http://kolmafia.us/scripts/updateprices.php?action=getmap
Casting Disco Nap 4 times...
You gain 80 hit points
Disco Nap was successfully cast.
Taking off ultimate ultimate frisbee...
Equipment changed.
Taking off Victor, the Insult Comic Hellhound Puppet...
Equipment changed.
Taking off dress pants...
Equipment changed.
Taking off lucky rabbit's foot...
Equipment changed.
Taking off astral mask...
Equipment changed.
Taking off Yearbook Club Camera...
Equipment changed.

[961] The Hallowed Halls
Encounter: dweebie
Round 0: effing leader wins initiative!
The problem is that mafia thinks you have nothing equipped after you log in. Stuff being unequipped is a symptom of that (probably part of restoring from an internal checkpoint).
The problem is that mafia thinks you have nothing equipped after you log in. Stuff being unequipped is a symptom of that (probably part of restoring from an internal checkpoint).

yes, but I do have stuff equipped after I log in. In fact I just logged out and logged in and looking at the "Gear Changer" I see "(none)" everywhere even though I know my character is wearing stuff.
My point was that you don't need to post additional actions that lead to your equipment being removed, since the problem happens before getting to that action.
Just FYI, I've seen the Gear Changer now lose track of all of the items I'm wearing well into the gaming session. At one point I had done over 151 adventures, and I went to look at the Gear Changer and everything was "none". Clicking the refresh arrows on the left fixed it.
I have also had this happen. I was using build 12868. I was in a HC run, KOLHS, and it was not happening right after logging in or changing gear.

It sometimes happened right after visiting the Florist Friar's, but when I stopped doing that, it would do it between combats with no other changes going on.
I am sorry that you people have peculiar Before Adventure Scripts that decide to remove your equipment seemingly randomly. There is no code within KoLmafia itself which will remove equipment before adventuring. Now, obviously, scripts can do anything they are coded to do - and if you have set up a script as your Before Adventure script, it will have its chance to wreak havoc whenever you decide to go adventure somewhere, exactly as you report - but I can't really help you with that,

That is not a KoLmafia issue. That is an issue with your script.

If you wish to discuss this further, open a thread in Community Support and ask for help.

The newest addition to this thread has made me change my thinking about this report. This is not "Cannot Reproduce". This is "Not a Bug" - in KoLmafia proper. This is a bug in the scripts that you are choosing to run. Further bug reports of this nature against KoLmafia itself will be closed with Extreme Prejudice.

Changing disposition of this bug report.
I have also never used a Before adventure script, so whatever the issue is, it isn't that. I understand closing the bug if you can't reproduce it, though. The next time I encounter it, I'll try to capture the mafia log surrounding it for further documentation.
I don't want "documentation". I want "a way to reproduce the problem". Regarding "capturing the mafia log surrounding it" - assuming you mean "session log", that is already "captured"; it's in a file on your disk.

OK, let's consider what you are reporting:

When you are about to adventure somewhere, KoLmafia is removing all your equipment. What, exactly, does will KoLmafia do automation-wise before running an adventure?

- run a betweenBattleScript
-- Save an outfit checkpoint
- execute your Mood
- recover HP
- recover MP
-- Restore the outfit checkpoint

There is stuff there that looks at and/or touches your equipment:
- saving a checkpoint remembers your current equipment.
- casting skills might cause MP-saving equipment to get swapped in
- restoring the checkpoint restores equipment to the original state

So, if the last thing that happens before adventuring is to "remove all your equipment", that is presumably "restoring the checkpoint". But, it is as if the checkpoint thought you had nothing equipped.

I have no clue about how that might happen. Every time we fetch api.php - which is to say, every time KoL tells us that your character status has changed - KoL includes a list of everything you have equipped in the response to that call. I have never, ever, seen inaccurate equipment in the Gear Changer. But, apparently, you two are doing something that nobody else is doing and, somehow, are ending up with empty equipment lists.

All right, I will mark this "Waiting for Information" again. I suggest/request that you check the "Session log records your player's state on login" option in Preferences/Session Logs. And if you ever see this again, post the session log, from login, up to the point where you noticed the problem, and we will see if there is anything obviously weird.
I went and looked at the first page of this again and I see that lost basically said what I just said:

- you log in and KoLmafia thinks you have no equipment
- you go to eat a fortune cookie
-- KoLmafia saves a checkpoint
-- You eat the fortune cookie
-- KoL says to refresh so we fetch api.php and learn that you have equipment
-- We restore to the checkpoint - and since KoLmafia now realizes that you have equipment, it goes to remove it to the (empty) checkpoint.

Please turn on the setting I mentioned and lets see the session log from login on, next time this happens.
I couldn't find anything that was definitive about bumping old threads, but this one wasn't closed, and the guidelines say to post in older threads if it's still relevant.

I've been having the same problem, it doesn't happen every day, but it did happen today. It may happen when automatically buffing, but I can't confirm that without digging into many old logs. I've attached my session log for today. I have enabled the setting you said in a previous post, and if I get another instance of this happening, I'll update with a new log with that setting enabled.

On the automation tab of Preferences I have "Counterchecker.ash" for my counter script, and I have knob+spook for planing. Every other field is blank. I do have other scripts installed in the script manager.
I am running v18.11 r19235, I downloaded it from builds.kolmafia.us today.

Misc note: It seems to only happen once per opening. Once it strips me, it won't do it again until I've shut the program down and restarted. I don't think log in/out will cause it to happen again.


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