EoD Softcore Ascension Script

I ascended without taking an astral consumable at all. The day one script just enters an endless loop where it lets me know that it can't find the astral item I took and asks if I want to continue anyway and then gives me the option to run the script and then repeats. I've tried reading through the posts here and poking around in the script to see if there was some way to get it to proceed anyway, I saw a post about inserting "ash set_property("eod_astral_item", "food")" as a fix for someone who took the astral food and consumed it manually, so I assume there's some similar fix for my issue, but I'm definitely not scripting savvy.
And I'd really rather not wait 11 days to reset the ascension just to try out this script. Any help would be appreciated.
Just started using this script, and really appreciate it.

A ran into a couple of problems with it that I wanted to let you know:
- The script tells you that I didn't have enough moxie to continue, but didn't let me know what it was trying to do. If you could include the location in that message, that would help.
- I wasn't able to finish Day 1 in 1 day. The next day I ran Day 1 to finish it. And when I did it didn't let me advance to Day 2. It kept telling me that I wasn't allowed. I finally found a setting that allowed me to move on to day 2.
- I ran out of turns and had not eaten or drank, and had to figure out which foods/booze it planned for me to drink. I'm not sure why that happened.
I've updated the script to handle most of the new functions with the NS tower revamp, mainly I removed all the rigamorale of doing the Dungeons of Doom which aren't needed anymore. Also I'm going to be revamping the script a bit so that instead of using Class Act, which you only get the bonus karma your first time through, it will use the new bonus for doing T69 compliant SC runs. Will also be revamping the pulls, diet, and adding in daily dungeon support, etc. Finally if I get good enough I'll add in NS tower support, though that's beyond me right now.

Of course this is all me playing around for a bit. I might get bored and drop the whole thing, so don't wait up on me.
I'm trying the script with the new 2015 challenge path, which disallows access to pre-2013 content. This cuts off several of the familiars the scripts uses - is there a way to select one familiar for a 100% run as a way around this? In my _prefs file I changed "singleFamiliarRun" to true, but it's not working. Thanks!
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In the ascensionvariables file you can choose what familiar you want, what equipment it pulls for it, and if you want it to be 100%. The default familiar is a baby-gravy fairy, so you shouldn't have any issues with that, unless it's trying to choose the familiars that "show" but are unaccessible.
In the ascensionvariables file you can choose what familiar you want, what equipment it pulls for it, and if you want it to be 100%. The default familiar is a baby-gravy fairy, so you shouldn't have any issues with that, unless it's trying to choose the familiars that "show" but are unaccessible.

I apologize, I have been around, but I didn't see anyone had commented in here recently.

I ascended without taking an astral consumable at all... I saw a post about inserting "ash set_property("eod_astral_item", "food")" as a fix for someone who took the astral food and consumed it manually, so I assume there's some similar fix for my issue, but I'm definitely not scripting savvy....

You want to type/copy that into the CLI. I'd recommend using
ash set_property("eod_astral_item", "spleen")
There is no scripting involved, its just a command. I'll modify it tho so it will give you the option to automatically change it, thanks for bringing it up.

Just started using this script, and really appreciate it.

A ran into a couple of problems with it that I wanted to let you know:
- The script tells you that I didn't have enough moxie to continue, but didn't let me know what it was trying to do. If you could include the location in that message, that would help.
- I wasn't able to finish Day 1 in 1 day. The next day I ran Day 1 to finish it. And when I did it didn't let me advance to Day 2. It kept telling me that I wasn't allowed. I finally found a setting that allowed me to move on to day 2.
- I ran out of turns and had not eaten or drank, and had to figure out which foods/booze it planned for me to drink. I'm not sure why that happened.

Thanks for the feedback!
1. Did it abort when it said not enough moxie? (I actually am planning on removing that completely and using a different system)
2. Day 1 needs some work, but I have been busy with Christmas/Crimbo and then the new Tower is holding me back from doing much. One day I'll iron it out ;)
3. Did it not eat/drink the day it messed up or on a different day?

I've updated the script to handle most of the new functions with the NS tower revamp, mainly I removed all the rigamorale of doing the Dungeons of Doom which aren't needed anymore. Also I'm going to be revamping the script a bit so that instead of using Class Act, which you only get the bonus karma your first time through, it will use the new bonus for doing T69 compliant SC runs. Will also be revamping the pulls, diet, and adding in daily dungeon support, etc. Finally if I get good enough I'll add in NS tower support, though that's beyond me right now.

Of course this is all me playing around for a bit. I might get bored and drop the whole thing, so don't wait up on me.

Hey Zen, feel free to post what you have done here or message me directly about it and I'll look into officially implementing it. I am personally waiting for the dev team to add in all their support for the tower which will give me a clear indication as to what all I need to add.

I'm trying the script with the new 2015 challenge path, which disallows access to pre-2013 content. This cuts off several of the familiars the scripts uses - is there a way to select one familiar for a 100% run as a way around this? In my _prefs file I changed "singleFamiliarRun" to true, but it's not working. Thanks!

Hey Stone, singleFamiliarRun is used by a different script that isn't mine. The variable you are looking for is like bcas_100familiar or something, look through the ascensionvariables file and it will have comments about the various variables you can change, and you can change them in there.
You want to type/copy that into the CLI. I'd recommend using
ash set_property("eod_astral_item", "spleen")
There is no scripting involved, its just a command.
Or, you know, since you are typing in to the CLI, you could just type a CLI command.

set eod_astral_item=spleen

This is the variables page, you'll note the most important changes so far are to what items are pulled, which I'm still working on as not all of them will work out. Also Ezandora was kind enough to work me through a revamped Ode to Booze system, that automatically casts Ode when called and removes the lowest MP cost skill if needed to cast it. Ez is tutoring me on working with ASH, thank you!
Thanks for the feedback!
1. Did it abort when it said not enough moxie? (I actually am planning on removing that completely and using a different system)
2. Day 1 needs some work, but I have been busy with Christmas/Crimbo and then the new Tower is holding me back from doing much. One day I'll iron it out ;)
3. Did it not eat/drink the day it messed up or on a different day?

1. Yes, it aborted, but it didn't say where it was.
2. I may have screwed something up because it then continued doing Day 2 (got stuck doing the bedroom) until I forced it to stop and do day 3. I'm at level 14 and partway through level 3.
3. It was the day it messed up. It is possible that I screwed it up by not knowing why it stopped because of lack of moxie (#1 here). But it is now having major problems and I'm not sure why.

As an update. I had to have it finish day 2, and then force it to day 3. It got stuck again stating it didn't have the bridge, but it hadn't even started the pirate cove, so I had to do it for it, and then restart it.
Oh, in case it matters. I'm doing 'picky' with my alt that doesn't really have any good items (a couple of Mr. A, and a few others, but otherwise, a noob).
1. Yes, it aborted, but it didn't say where it was.
2. I may have screwed something up because it then continued doing Day 2 (got stuck doing the bedroom) until I forced it to stop and do day 3. I'm at level 14 and partway through level 3.
3. It was the day it messed up. It is possible that I screwed it up by not knowing why it stopped because of lack of moxie (#1 here). But it is now having major problems and I'm not sure why.

As an update. I had to have it finish day 2, and then force it to day 3. It got stuck again stating it didn't have the bridge, but it hadn't even started the pirate cove, so I had to do it for it, and then restart it.

Did you ascend as a DB, and did you ascend on a path other than Class Act II? It could be the problem was DB's need to have the skill that allows them to use daggers permed, or available, otherwise they won't be able to hit anything and will completely botch up the first day until you buy that skill. I found this out when I tried running a DB on Picky Path.
QVamp, none of the challenge paths are officially supported except Class Act II. It is even worse now that the current challenge path is always Type69 restricted, so you would have to make sure the items it wants to pull are viable. Also, the Picky challenge path has it is own set of problems. If you know a little scripting/ASH or want to learn, you could tweak it enough to get through the run, but otherwise I'd stay away from it and do Class Act II from now on.
You'll note in this latest revision that there are significant changes all over the place, if you really care use the compare function of Notepad++ or similar programs. It's almost ready to go live, but there's a few things left that need testing, such as the new Ode handler, and if the new moods I set up work any, if the pulls work properly, etc. I'll be doing that testing later on.

As for running DB on a path other than Class Act II, just swap the dagger for a Sheila Take a Crossbow, and pull the dagger on day 2 if you feel you still need that extra moxie. You'll probably still end up spending a lot more on HP items than normal, but that should be offset by pulling a facsimile dictionairy instead of the gold ring anyways (which support has also been added in IF YOU HAVE IT, I hope).

Ah. I did AT and did the Picky path. It looked like it was supported, so I didn't even think twice about that.

It looks like the newest thing is that it doesn't know what Sorceress' Hedge Maze is, and the scripts now fail because of it.
Skill purchasing for AT's is not supported as of yet, it will be fixed soon though, once I finish this variables page I'll be moving on to each day instance and fixing up that, as well as improving moods for better turn saving, etc.
Hmm... ok, a really strange question.

Could this script have caused me to lose my level 0 skills? I'm trying to kill the nemesis and don't have the skill 'sing'. For whatever reason, the trainer also doesn't offer it. I've logged in without mafia (ugh... it is awful.. so awful), and I still don't have it nor have any obvious way of getting it. Did this script do anything, or is this kol bug?
Could this script have caused me to lose my level 0 skills? I'm trying to kill the nemesis and don't have the skill 'sing'. For whatever reason, the trainer also doesn't offer it. I've logged in without mafia (ugh... it is awful.. so awful), and I still don't have it nor have any obvious way of getting it. Did this script do anything, or is this kol bug?

If you are in a Picky ascension, then it is not a bug. You are not able to use level 0 skills unless they are one of your 11 skills.

For future reference, no program or script can cause you to actually lose a skill, only KoL can do that.