Feature - Rejected Elemental Dmg in Modifier Maximizer


New member
The new tower tests need elemental dmg as one of the tests. The current list of items in the modifier maximizer doesnt support this. Can we add support for them?

I would support removing the default dropdown list so people realize they are not limited to it. I guess no one sees the help button.
I'm going to reject the feature. Adding another 5 entries to the drop down just to save a little bit of typing? There's no end to the possible terms we could put there.

I'll admit that "Hot Damage, Hot Spell Damage" is at least a compound term so there is some call for it, but people can type that just once an ascension since it isn't otherwise important.
Ouch lostcalpolydude. The drop list is the only thing that makes the modifier maximizer useful. I think you are not understanding how casual users of Mafia use the app.

Bale, how often do you use "4 clownosity" once per ascension. How often do you use "7 raveosity, -tie" much less than 1 per ascension.

Reject it - thats fine. I think the condescending tone isn't appropriate though.
Ouch lostcalpolydude. The drop list is the only thing that makes the modifier maximizer useful. I think you are not understanding how casual users of Mafia use the app.

Then you're missing out on something like 90% of what the Maximizer could do for you. And adding every useful thing to the default list would make the list long enough that it may as well not exist, because it would be impossible to find anything.

Also, I wasn't referring to you missing it, it seems that a lot of people don't know how to make effective use of that window. I've even forgotten that the help button is there at times. I expect that a better GUI could help, but I don't know what that would look like.
What might be nice instead would be the ability to configure a list of personal maximizer strings, so once you've figured out that pattern that works well for you in some common situation, you don't have to retype it after it drops off the MRU list. I've set up aliases for some of them, but that's a bit of a hassle. For examples of what I would use them for:

meat, equip gore, equip pvu
myst, equip encrypted
4 clownosity, -tie, equip pantsgiving, -combat
<element> damage, <element> spell damage, -tie
adv, 0.5 pvp fights
mp regen, equip sea salt, -familiar, -back
Bale, how often do you use "4 clownosity" once per ascension. How often do you use "7 raveosity, -tie" much less than 1 per ascension.
More reasons to delete the list rather than try and fix it. I agree with lost and did not see his response as directed at you personally, but I get that that's hard to tell.
What might be nice instead would be the ability to configure a list of personal maximizer strings,

Do you mean this exact feature that exists in Mafia known as the 'maximizerMRUList' preference?
Also 'maximizerMRUSize' controls how many are in the most recent list.

On a side note, making a script that adds "Hot Damage, Hot Spell Damage" to this preference automatically, depending on tower needs, is not too hard and would achieve your desired results.
Do you mean this exact feature that exists in Mafia known as the 'maximizerMRUList' preference?
Also 'maximizerMRUSize' controls how many are in the most recent list.

No, that's just not going to work for this. I use the mazimizer a lot, and often when trying to fit some specific use, I'll refine the query multiple times. So for the MRU list to keep my "useful but infrequently used" optimizer strings, it would have to be incredibly big, which essentially makes it worthless for quickly finding something. If I have some time over the weekend, I might be able to implement the feature I want.
No, that's just not going to work for this.

It seems that this preference does not work like I thunked it did.
It would be nice to have a maximizerList preference that could be set by the user to define a custom list to show up by default.
Do you mean this exact feature that exists in Mafia known as the 'maximizerMRUList' preference?

No. The MRU list is always changing because I often try bunches of weird things with different values until I find the best combination. That pushes things I use frequently off the list temporarily until I use them again.
I'm reminded of ancient angsty discussions dealing with command line tools and the GUIs wrapped around them.

I see two issues, building and remembering. I think a GUI that allowed someone to pick and choose items to build a maximizer command would be interesting but probably not a lot of bang for the buck. Remembering may have a much simpler solution. Based on my foggy memory of the code I think replacing the hardwired list of commands with a list read from a file seems reasonable. In something similar to data override files a user with a text editor could customize the list of 25 commands that were always there and never fell off the MRU.