Bug - Fixed Elemental Damage not updating at A-Boo Peak Choice Adventure


Staff member
Mafia's projected damage numbers for "The Horror..." at A-Boo Peak are off:

ChoiceManager.lastResponseText apparently doesn't update when going from one part of the choice adventure to the next (you have to do something like click on another link to force it to reload), so the damage numbers aren't updating. That's a bug that still needs fixing.
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It's a one-line fix to make ChoiceManager.lastResponseText always update regardless of how many steps we've taken. I... think? that won't break anything? I don't see anything that relies on it being the step 0 responseText, but I may be mistaken.


Staff member
The beginning of postChoice1() is where it seems most reasonable to set it. However, right below the sometimes-called visitChoice() (which sets it), request.responseText is assigned to a local variable instead of a global variable. Either there's a reason for that (meaning the fix is a lot more complicated), or the local variable doesn't belong there at all (and some refactoring should be done).