Edit Custom Daily Deed?


New member
Revision 17102 by darzil:
Adjust behaviour of Daily Deed buttons to match recent additions, so that they vanish to be replaced by a text description when they can no longer be used. Add the ability to add tooltips and completion message to custom deeds. With no completion message, the button vanishes instead.

How do I add a completion message to my existing custom deeds so that they don't just disappear, can't find an edit button in the interface for existing deeds, just an add button for new ones.... :)

using r17101 in the meantime, so I can continue to see what I've done today.

Yes, there isn't an interface element for that. You would have to directly edit the preference dailyDeedsOptions, either using the CLI in mafia, or in GLOBAL_prefs.txt when mafia is closed.
Thanks for the file Darzil.

For anyone looking for syntax, at least at the file level,


$CUSTOM|Simple|Raffle Tickets|raffle 1


$CUSTOM|Simple|Raffle Tickets|raffle 1|1||Raffle Ticket Purchased
Depending which type :


(only without the forum added spaces)
No, but there are the additional options for tooltip and completion message now, and the requirement to specify certain fields if you declare others is no longer there (or documented on that page).