For some reason, EatDrink hasn't been filling my spleen. When I start at 0 and tell it to fill it up to 15, it instead just fills it up to 14 (e.g. 3 x groose grease, 1 x antimatter wad). And when it's already at 14 and I tell it to fill it to 15, it does nothing. My valueOfAdventure is set to 1250, so just filling that last space with a twinkly wad would be profitable (though other choices may be better).
What is your eatdrink_minimumAverage set to? You can find it (and other ED variables) by entering "zlib eatdrink" into the gCLI. If it is set higher than 1, ED won't consume wads as they are only an average of 1 adventure per spleen.